Wednesday, October 30, 2013

As We Approach Samhain

Please check out my friend Pat Duran's recipe for hot spiced cider. You can make them and put in All Hallow's Eve baskets

It will warm those little goblins right up

Gossip Stopper Spell from Ravengrove Coven

Gossip Stopper

You’ll need a small fire, outside if possible. A super way to have a small fire outdoors is a small chimney. If not a hot cauldron or incense burner will do just fine.

You’ll need about one half cup Cloves. Using your mortar and pestle crush up the Cloves and place them in a small dish.

Take one half cup Elm leaves and chop them up or use one teaspoon Slippery Elm (herb). Place it in a second dish.

Now you will also need;

13, black pepper corns placed in a 3rd dish.

1, 3 inch by 3 inch square cut black cloth.

13, inches of white ribbon.

One, Black Candle

Place everything in front of you and light a black candle.

Toss a fist full of ground Cloves into the fire or cauldron.

As the smoke start to rise into the air begin this chant;

Let the one’s who gossip find,

In their words I do bind.
Nothing spoke shall be heard,

no scene is made by their words.

All the pain that they do send,

returns upon them in the wind.

Repeat the chant as you place all the remaining herbs into the center of the cloth and fold the cloth in onto its self and rap the ribbon tightly around the cloth and tie a tight knot.

If possible light the tied cloth by the black candle and toss into the flame of the fire.

If this is not possible drop 13 drops of the black candle wax onto the knot of the bag and bury it outside under a dark moon.

You may find you are surprised how quickly all the gossip stops.

Author Lady Abigail

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Today I am working on blurbs for my new books

The “A Spider's Web” Series of three books.

This is part of a three part mini series that has a spin off of another series of eight books.

~A Spider”s Web~

In a rural town, a teenager's life suddenly becomes exciting when she finds a man to fulfill all her dream of marriage. But soon she finds she not only has no idea of who the man really is but also what he is capable of when a friend suddenly goes missing. Now living in a unknown state, pregnant without friends, Katie must unlock the mysteries that really tie them together before she or anyone else dies.

~In the land of Paradise~ (A Spider”s Web 2)

The family moves to an island paradise. A few years have passed, Tommy and Katie discover their son, Scout, is no ordinary child. But has Scout acquired his great grandfathers abilities? As his talents grow, not all the dead are quiet. One such spirit tries to regain a lost love thus bringing both Tommy and Scout to the rescue. Scout soon finds that rewriting the past has consequences. Discover what each feel are acceptable losses and who is willing to pay the price?

NOTE: "The Dark Secret of Raptor's Roost" is about the land that Katie's family owns.

~Sibling Rivalry ~ (Spiders web 3)

Two adult's find themselves in uncharted territory, each with memories that were never actually lived. In the man's heart - the love of family is everything. In the young woman's heart - a darkness awaits. Life is anything but usual as these two siblings reacquaint themselves to each other. Both having gifts the other is unaware of, they soon find that their childish pranks are actually effecting the world around them. Each must decide what is truly important as the world spins into chaos.

NOTE: “Evolution” is about the worlds experiences to the siblings pranks.


~The Dark Secret of Raptor's Roost ~

As we live on and love a piece of land it keeps the residual of that event. Over time one plot of land held so much it grew an awareness. As this awareness grew it became something else. It called it's self Dis-pare! Walk into the lives of all who walked her boundaries and discover Katie's secret heritage.

NOTE: Understand the family Katie left behind.

~Evolution ~

Spring turns to summer, which makes it's way to fall. Fall turns to winter as the dark and quietness sets in. Winter is suppose to make way for spring once more but we find more and more the darkness creeps into our daily lives as the powers of the world battle for what appears to be our own extinction. The government's unleash unknown terrors upon their civilians until one disaster after another starts a spiral that no one can stop.

NOTE: As Scout and his sister Echo bestow onto the other their sibling pranks the aftermath is unleashed onto the world we live in. With each prank in “The Dark Secret of Raptor's Roost” comes the effects it unleashes onto the world at large in this story of our evolution as a species.

~ There are SIX MORE BOOKS IN THIS SERIES. Each deal with the survivors and our future.~

These are the two covers I have done

Friday, October 25, 2013

Dream spell

THE DREAM SPELL This spell is to cause you to dream of the face of the man (or woman) you will spend your life with. You may or may not know this person currently. Do not be surprised if it is not the person you expected. If your romantic notions happen to blossom in midsummer, you might consider the following:

 On July 22, St. Magdalene's Eve, prepare a bath. In the water sprinkle lavender and rose petals and as in the Self-Blessing, you must envision yourself cleansing not only your body, but also your spirit. After you bathe, prepare for bed and say these words: 

Mother of All, Habondia, look favorably upon my quest, Bring to me a vision true, my lover's face at your behest. 

 After you have said the incantation, place a sachet under your pillow with lavender and hypericum (St. John's Wort). Before you go to sleep pour a small glass of wine and just as you do in the full moon rite, say these words: To You Mother, I pour this libation (pour a few drops on the floor), and drink this toast. Drink the rest of the wine. Use your consecrated chalice or consecrate a new cup just for this purpose. Lay your head down and dream of your true love--it may not be who you thought!

From "The craft of the wise" on facebook