Thursday, August 30, 2012

Harvest Moon by Zephra

 We gather on this eve of the full Moon to honor and harness the energy of the

“Harvest Moon”

We look to the East for the rising Moon, feeling the tidal pull within our body. Waxing full, shining bright, all through the deepening night.

We call upon the energy She emits.

As we cast this Circle, we pull in the universal powers for guidance and protection.

EAST: From the East and power of air. Quickening our minds and thoughts so fair. Opening the way for the inspiration you bring. The Sylphs and beings with wings.

Mercury and Jupiter we remember with honor. So Mote It Be.

SOUTH: From the South and power of fire. Tempering our will and our desire.

Opening the way for flames on high. The Salamanders and Dragons near by.

The Sun and Mars we remember with honor. So Mote It Be.

WEST: From the West and power of water, Cleansing the souls of you sons and daughters Opening the way for your healing touch. Undines and fishes we love so much. The Moon and Neptune we remember with honor. So Mote It Be.

NORTH: From the North and power of earth. Preparing your children for rebirth. Opening the way for the wisdom we seek. The Gnomes and animals we shall meet.

Venus and Saturn we remember with honor. So Mote It Be.

We feel the energies around us, God Power, Goddess Power, filling the evening air. Radiating from the setting Sun, pulling on our watery bodies. Pulsing up from the ground beneath our feet. We wish to use these powers as we dedicate and consecrate our tools of the Craft. Be it Athame or Wand. Pentacle or Chalice. Runes, Tarot Deck, Stones and Crystals . Or our Body that carries out our work. Whatever you have brought to strengthen the bond between yourself and God/Goddess and as a Circle between Us.

Hand to Hand and Heart to Heart, we form this Sacred Circle.

Going to each Altar to purify, think about what you wish to achieve. Using the words mentioned, adding your own.

Before the Altar of the East:

(cleanse your items within the smoke)

With the power of Air - inspire- imagine- begin-

Before the Altar of the South:

(cleanse your items above the flame)

With the power of Fire - will- motivation- do-

Before the Altar of the West:

(cleanse your items with the water)

With the power of Water-intuition- love-emotions-feel-

Before the Altar of the North:

(cleanse your items with the salt)

With the power of Earth - strength- grounded- complete -

We will use these newly consecrated tools/ourselves with the highest intentions, given by the Universal Powers that surround us.

“Now I walk in Beauty, Beauty is before me, Beauty is behind me, Above and below me”

Cakes and Ale

From Her Body to ours: “May you never hunger.”

From Her Blood to ours: “May you never thirst.”


Thank-you spirits of the East for witnessing this rite. Mercury and Jupiter.

Hale and Farewell. So Mote It Be.

Thank-you spirits of the North for witnessing this rite. Venus and Saturn.

Hale and Farewell. So Mote It Be.

Thank-you spirits of the West for witnessing this rite. Moon and Neptune.

Hale and Farewell. So Mote It Be.

Thank-you spirits of the South for witnessing this rite. Sun and Mars.

Hale and Farewell. So Mote It Be.

The Circle is open yet unbroken, Merry Meet and Merry Part, until we meet again.

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