Saturday, October 6, 2012

One of my own ghost encounters

The spirits on Route 571

I bought this house in 2003. The day we closed on it as I was walking across the driveway, I felt someone shove me and I went down. Later I would find I had fractured the inside bone on my right leg.

Two days passed and I was talking two huskies out to potty about 6 AM. It had rained the night before. It was The 4th of July. As I started down the stairs I saw a semi translucent man raise a mallet over his head and down it came on my ankle like he was golfing. I felt nothing. There was a time lapse as when I remember next I was on the bottom stair, still holding onto the dog leashes and the top rail, however I was sitting one the bottom step. As I turned my legs around I saw my foot was along side my leg, attached only by shin and muscles. Still no pain. Had to take a second look. Was I dreaming? No!

That winter I woke to someone sighing. As I looked over expecting to see my husband I saw a man sitting on the bed with his elbows on his legs and his head resting in his hands. Then he stretched and stood and he was gone. We lived there 4 winters and each year about the same time of the year (midwinter) the same thing happened like a video playing.

The last year we were there he became increasingly hostile. Pictures were thrown off out walls. Drills and saws turned on and off by themselves. My husband was pushed off a ladder. But the final straw was when I opened a cupboard when my sister was over for dinner and a vase I loved came straight out at me then smashed in mid air as I ducked and shattered back at me (so to miss my dog that would have been covered in glass had it fell in it‘s headed course.) It came with the words, “Get out now.”

There were other spirits there as well. A young boy maybe 6-7 wearing a strip shirt and jeans that was forever looking out our back porch window with a Jack Russell terrier. This boy we think was responsible for letting our dogs in and out. When the doggy door was closed. We never actually saw him do it but the dogs weren’t trained at opening a shut door. Neither I nor my daughter believe the old man was nice enough to help our dogs.

The summer months were filled with laughter and old music if you sat outside. It wasn’t the neighbors. We lived on ten acres with neighbors that were never home. And at night I was constantly awaken by older music or radio programs.

About a year after we moved in we met the man’s son who had owned the place before the people we had bought it from. His dad had died after shoveling out his drive in the wee hours of the morning and was about to the end of his drive when a plow truck came by and hit him….killing him instantly.

My daughter also saw a girl and two other men that were always watching her. I never saw them. But know they really scared her.

Karlyn in Michigan

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