Tuesday, November 6, 2012

crystal ball scrying

How to Read a Crystal Ball

1... Darken the room around you. Put? the crystal ball on a dark surface
that will not reflect any light that will? distract you. Have a candle or
other form of light shining into and? illuminating the ball. The light source
can be reflecting up inside the? crystal ball stand or behind the crystal. It
can also be shining from behind? you into the crystal ball.

2... Sit comfortably with your spine straight.? Keeping your spine
straight enables you to channel all the energy that comes? through your body
when you do your readings. Ground yourself and calm your? mind.

3... Clear the crystal before using it, use the Smudge method.? Then
charge it using this method: Hold the crystal ball and rub it with both?
hands. Then set it back on it's stand while still maintain your focus. Next?
point a single-terminated quartz crystal or a crystal wand towards the ball at a?
distance where you most comfortably feel the two connect. When you feel or
sense? the subtle connection between the crystal and the ball, begin to circle?
thesingle-terminate d crystal in a clockwise direction. Maintain the? connection
between the crystal and the ball. Soon you will feel the crystal? ball
pulsate. When you feel it pulsating strongly you can lay your?
single-terminated crystal or crystal wand down and begin the next? step.

4... Diffuse your vision.

5. find a spot in the ball the? interests you. Bring all your attention
to that spot. Now look at it in more? detail. Allow your intellectual mind
to relax. Leave yourself open to any? impressions. Don't have any
preconceptions. Have no judgments. Remain? relaxed, open and focused.

6... Now look at that area in still more? detail. As you look at this area
even more closely you may find yourself? tensing. If so, take a deep breath
and relax as you let it out. Continue to? do this until you release the

7... Continue to gaze into the? particular area, seeing more and more
detail. As you look at this minute? detail the crystal ball seems to become
larger. The more you lose your sense? of yourself and are only conscious of
thedetail in the crystal space, the? larger the ball seems to become. As you
are looking, feel yourself opening as? if you have no edges or boundaries.
Allow yourself to lose your awareness of? yourself and just be aware of the
crystal ball.

8... Your eyes may or? may not close at this point. If they feel like
closing, let them close and? continue to feel as if the crystal is around
you. If your eyes remain open,? still feel as if your inside the crystal.
Whether your eyes are open or? closed a point is reached where there is
no difference between you and the? crystal. There is only crystal and just
what you are seeing. You are now in? an altered state of consciousness or
trance state.

9... You may at this? point find yourself feeling compelled to do
something. This may be to breathe? in certain ways, move energy in a
particularpattern in your body, or to work? with the crystal in a different manner.
Trustyourself and let this? compulsion guide you. Your body may almost
involuntarily assume different? positions. Let it. You may find yourself
making sounds. Feel free to allow? this to happen. At the same time there is
no necessity to force it to happen.? Successful crystal ball reading doesn't
depend on any of these? occurrences.

10... Now either ask specific questions in your mind or use? your will to
guide you to a specific locations that you mentally view. If you? haven't
a specific question, mentally refer to your more general purpose? in
crystal reading at the time. Then let impressions come and go. Don't hang?
ontothem but communicate them to another or out loud into a tape recorder.? Let
the impressions flow through you. Continue to communicate what you see? until
you have a feeling of being finished.

11... When you are? through, remain with the crystal for a few minutes.
Release any tension. You? will feel a sensation of floating inside the
crystal ball. Varied impressions? may come and go. Just watch them pass.
In this space are all possibilities, ? all assistance, all knowledge, and all

12... Now, after? enjoying this space for a while, slowly begin to back
out of the ball. Start? to feel edges around yourself while you continue to
gaze. Have a feeling of? backing up as you become more aware of the edges
around the ball. If you? followed a certain route into the ball, retrace it.
Continue until you see? the ball in front of you. Become aware of the
surface on which you sit. Be? aware of your breathing. If your eyes are open,
letgo of the diffused vision? and bring it back to normal. If your eyes are
closed, slowly open them. Now? stretch and shake yourself a little until you
feelcompletely in your? everyday consciousness.

13... Ground yourself. Next, clear your crystal? ball, the other
single-terminated crystal or crystal wand, yourself, and the? room you
are in.

14... If you like, cover your ball with cloth or put? it in a pouch.
Store it in a special place.
Blessed Be,
Lady Nightshayde

"You never know how much you? know until you know how much you'll never know. "

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