Tuesday, November 6, 2012

fire divination

Fire Oracle

Let fire foretell your future!

1. Fold paper into an accordion-style fan.

2. On each fold of the fan, write wishes, desires, goals.

3. Place the fan in a fireproof non-metal bowl.

4. Set the fan on fire - all at once. Light it only that one time.

5. The folds of the fan that burned more than others are the desires/wishes/ goals that will come to pass.

PS: If the whole fan goes up in flames and all burns away. This is a good sign that all you wish for will come to pass.


Fire Scrying

As the power of the Sun fades, we embrace the harvest
season and the decline of the fire element.

This is a perfect time, as we approach the introspective tide of
winter, to scry with flame.

On a night close to the New Moon, cast a circle of protection, and light a
purple candle.

Sit silently and breathe deeply, allowing your conscious mind to grow quiet.

Gaze at the candle flame and permit your thoughts to drift by
without judgment.

Soften your focus and relax your vision.

Concentrate only on the flame.

Ask a question.

Observe the flame expectantly, and open your
observations to your intuition.

Invite the flame to impart images.

Write down your insights, and carefully
date your interpretation for future reference.

.....by Karri Allrich


Let fire foretell your future!

1. Fold paper into an accordion-style fan.
2. On each fold of the fan, write wishes, desires, goals.
3. Place the fan in a fireproof non-metal bowl.
4. Set the fan on fire - all at once. Light it only that one time.
5. The folds of the fan that burned more than others are the desires/wishes/ goals that will come to pass.

PS: If the whole fan goes up in flames and all burns away. This is a good sign that all you wish for will come to pass.

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