Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Gypsy Dice Throwing and divining with dice

Gypsy Dice Throwing
"Secrets of Gypsy Fortunetelling" by Ray Buckland

There is more than one method for doing this, but I wanted to share this
Simple method with you. It's alot of fun and you can do it at parties too.

You will need 3 dice and a black cloth with a circle on it. You can just
Draw a circle on the ground if you are outside, but it should be about 1
Foot to a foot and a half in diameter.

You will hold the dice and concentrate on them, then toss them into the
Circle. Disregard whatever rolls out of the circle. If they all roll out,
Throw them again. If they all roll out a second time, no reading is possible
For that day.

You add up the total on the dice and interpret them as follows:

One - Loneliness; loss.
Two - Love or infatuation.
Three - A pleasant surprise is coming.
Four - An unpleasant surprise.
Five - You will meet with a stranger who will have a strong influence on you

Six - You will lose something of value to you.
Seven - There will be a scandal involving you.
Eight - A wrong that you did in the past will catch up with you.
Nine - There is a wedding in the near future.
Ten - Business advancement.
Eleven - The death of someone you know.
Twelve - You will soon receive a letter of some importance.
Thirteen - There will be cause for you to weep.
Fourteen - A new admirer.
Fifteen - Be especially cautious; trouble threatens.
Sixteen - A happy journey.
Seventeen - Profitable business is coming to you from across water.
Eighteen - Some very great godd is coming to you.


Written by Mystikia

Dice have been used throughout history as a means of divination. In
Classical Greece, Ancient Egypt & the Far East, cubes made of wood,
Ivory or metal with numbers from 1 - 6 inscribed on their sides were
Consulted regularly as a means of fore-telling the future. Below, you
Will find a simple way of consulting the dice & brief interpretations of
What each number means.


Draw a chalk circle on the ground, table or piece of board. Take 3 NEW
Dice & a NEW cup ( to be used to shake the dice in). Place the dice into
The cup & hold the cup in your LEFT hand. Shake the dice & throw. If all
3 of the dice fall outside of the circle, then abandon the consultation,
Vow to ask no more & stay well clear of any arguments! If 1 or 2 of the
Dice fall outside the circle, the warning of arguments is much milder in
Nature & YOU MAY throw again if you wish.



1 That is one dice in circle showing the number 1 or one dot. Basically
This means "Nothing Doing".

2 Slight trouble & a lack of good news, but nothing to worry about.

3 Seize any chances that may come your way today. You will get what you
Wish for or will enjoy a happy event.

4 A disappointment, but don't worry! Everything will turn out to be for
The best.

5 You will hear news of a death, but it will be expected!

6 A sign of the loss of some money. Also, you could hear of a marriage
Which may be surprising or even distressing to you.

7 An omen of good luck! If you are anxious about something, don't worry
- all will go well.

8 You will receive a letter which you find disagreeable. Better news
Will follow.

9 Success in love, a reconciliation after a quarrel or disagreement.
Good happenings, but maybe a touch of scandal! A good throw.

10 Uncertainty, nothing worse.

11 Danger of losing money through treachery. Can indicate an illness of
Someone close to you.

12 Do not act on anything without first seeking the advice of someone
You trust. Refuse to do favours for anyone. Someone intends to involve
You in an intrigue.

13 WARNING - An enemy is plotting your downfall! Throw the dice again &
If the number is higher than 13, he will not succeed!

14 An indication that you may soon go on a long voyage. Profitable
Travels, but it won't be easy. Maybe a new friendship heading your way.
Keep hope in your heart.

15 This number indicates some trouble domestically. Find out whether
There are people making mischief in your home & if there is, SORT IT OUT!

16 You are going to prove to be lucky in something for which you don't
Hold out much hope. Do not tell anyone about anything that you gain
Until 1 week after you first find out about it. Also a warning that you
Should not think about money too much as you are neglecting other things
That are important to you.

17 Indicates something very, very good - something that is unearned &
Unsought! Be thankful when this comes. Maybe, even , a proposal or a
Suggestion from a complete stranger to you.

18 The best throw of them all! Great luck, happiness & high destiny.
Beware of inconsistency though, when your luck is at its highest point.


  1. a mediocre rendering.
    The circle ought to be divided into 4 segments, and the dice 1-6 symbolise the progression from seed !, to fruition 6...... the fortunes tellers explanation is obiviously B.S. and might apply to anyone. The old tall dark handsome stranger trick.
    Stop the misinformation!

  2. a mediocre rendering.
    The circle ought to be divided into 4 segments, and the dice 1-6 symbolise the progression from seed !, to fruition 6...... the fortunes tellers explanation is obiviously B.S. and might apply to anyone. The old tall dark handsome stranger trick.
    Stop the misinformation!
