Abundance: 12, green, silver, coins, found money, baby plants, the sun.
Adaptation: Red, yellow, 7, 10, liquid, anything that can be turned
or bent without breaking, clay.
Anger: 1, 13, white, white flag, dove, items to represent the focus
of the anger, breakable or tearable things, fires that can be extinguished.
Art: tools of art, goddess image, artistically inspiring items,
yellow, blue ribbon, 5, 7, 10, 12, lunar herbs and foods.
Balance: Triangle, hourglass, scales, stilts, balance beam, 2, two of
anything, pentacles, Yin and Yang symbol, mirror images.
Banishing: red, white, silver, black, 6, 8, soap and water, soil,
items that can be turned inside out or reversed, counterclockwise.
Beauty: 3, 21, pastel colors, classic artwork, mirror, make-up, swan.
Blessing: hand, anointing oil, 2, warm colors, water and other
elemental symbols, halo, gold light.
Choices: pendulum, penny, coins, straws of different lengths, 10, gray, black, white.
Cleansing - 2, 8, 40, agate, chrysolite, soap and wash cloth, bath or
shower, washing machine, sink.
Communication - pink, 2, amethyst, beryl, carnelian, Hematite,
telephone, stationary, pencils, pens, typewriter, computers.
Conscious mind - warm golden colors, amethyst, coral, books, glasses, desks, 1.
Courage - red, gold, 8, beryl, Hematite, swords, gloves, iron crosses,
purple heart, pens, lions.
Dedication - 6, 13, purple, anything sticky, dog.
Discernment - silver, stones, malachite, purple, 7, 5, any substance
that can be cleared away (flour, sugar etc.)
Divination - yellow, 5, all divinatory tools (Tarot cards, crystal ball etc.)
Doubt - garnet, tourmaline, 10, bright colors, any items representing balance.
Ecology - 9, 12, green, globe. Picture of earth, soil, natural things,
rustic things, dried leaves, musk.
Employment - tin, 4, 6, 13, first earned dollar bill, position vacant
advertisements, green, orange.
Energy - topaz, red, orange, 8, 40, flags, bread, incoming tides,
items that expand and rise.
Fear - tea, amethyst, sardonx, red, silver.
Fertility - 7, 12, east wind (Eurius), storks, rabbits, pregnant
goddesses, eggs, cheese, agate, coral, jade, green, yellow, knots
Forgiveness - moonstone, alexandrite, white, 2, 9, anything to
represent the area of discord.
Friendship - jade, pink, 12, 2, picture of friends, interlocking symbols.
Foundations - lead, earth color, 1, 3, 12, soil, farms, trees, root, anchors.
Ghosts - candles, wind items, ouija boards, personal things of the
person being contacted, sheets, agate, lodestone, turquoise,
(to protect from ghosts = jade, jasper, malachite, pepper, beans)
goals - bullseye, dart board, target, arrows, ladders, steps, 4, red,
orange, brown, daisy, ant, agate, beryl, jade.
Gossip - 4, 8, 9, carnelian, worms, fire, binding items such as
paperclips, staples and clothes pegs.
Grief - jet, 1, 21, balms, feathers, tea, cocoa, chocolate.
Grounding - 1, 6, 12, cellar or low rooms, soil, trees, brown
Habits - representation of the habit, yeast bread dough (which rises
to better things), soda left to go flat (represents negative energy),
ashes, butterflies, red, green.
Harmony - pale blue, white, 2, 3, gentle music, objects where several
items come together to form beauty (floral arrangements, fabric), scales.
Health - 3, turquoise, amber, coral, bandages, ankh, red cross, red,
blue, green, orange juice, chicken soup.
Heart break - carnelian, coral, 8, tissues, rose quartz.
Humour - agate, feathers, kittens, otters, gag gifts, toys, bright
colors, fool tarot card, clowns.
Identifying (people and objects) - clay balls (uncovering thievery),
tea leaves, flour or dust, beer, 5, yellow, dowsing tools.
Imagination - yellow, birds, butterflies, winged creatures, clouds,
closet, kites, 3rd eye, inner child.
Inspiration - 7, beer, tea, bright colors, green, yellow, light, open
windows, open eye.
Intuition - lamps, coffee, water, all fluids, mushrooms, eggs, key
holes, silver, yellow, green, 5.
Jobs - money, job advertisements, status symbols, company logos, 13,
meat, gourmet foods, symbols of security.
Joy - agate, balloons, cake, cheese, feathers, honey, sugar, jelly, blue.
Judgement - amethyst. Birds, coffee, mushrooms, gold, blueish purple,
10, magnifying, glass, scales, calculator.
Kindness - supple items, things that soften or smooth, sandpaper,
fabric softener, skin lotion, charity organisation logo, flowers,
cookies, orange, 9.
Kinship - interlocking web or chain, spider web, trees, roses, coat
of arms, broom, knots, bread, jade, pink, 1, 9, 12, warm and cozy
items, picnic tables, bbq.
Knowledge - books, glasses, library, school, desk, notepad, light
bulb, sharp items, computer, yellow, gold, sunflower, 3, 4, 6, 10
Leadership - medals, crowns, rod of leadership, elevated chair, lions,
grasshoppers, amethyst, honey wine, gold, redish purple.
Liberation - birds, wings, broken chains and cords, untied knots,
cleansing spices, garlic, amethyst, ashes, 4, 40.
Love - 2, 3, 12, heart, doves, lovebirds, flowers, cupid, mead.
Luck - 1, 4, 7, personal lucky, number, 13, dragonfly, rabbits foot,
fish, rainbows, wind, ships, champagne, found items, black cats.
Lust - chocolate, cherries, red
Magic - moonstone, amber, silver, quartz, 7, 13, elder, eggs,
athame, wand (etc.), circle, pentagram, purple, woven items,
candles, "witch animals" such as cats.
Mental abilities - amethyst, books, glasses, computers, keys,
diplomas, 6, 10, yellow, gold.
Money - green, silver, gold, anything that grows and expands, wallet,
chequebook, pay stub, piggy bank, wishing wells, alfalfa, allspice,
almond, moss agate, moonstone, shells.
Movement - red, yellow, vibrant colors, batteries, electric
generators, sneakers, active clothes (tracksuits) , cars, bikes, train
(etc.), clouds, water, roads, blenders, matches, animals and insects
known for swiftness, bees, birds, air, 40.
Nature - animals or plant costumes, masks, pictures, seasonal
representations, gardens, woods, places of nature, green, brown, 9, 12.
Negotiation - binoculars, glasses, things that have the ability to
smooth or cool, ice, blenders, white, pink, yellow, gold, amethyst,
carnelian, open hand, flexible items, 2.
New endeavours - pinky orange, new brooms, keys, chimes, open doors,
chicken, cheese, agate, 3, 4, 6.
Nightmares - agate, amber, malachite, pyrite, white, blue, gold, 6.
Oaths - carnelian, agate, amethyst, knots, communal cups, neutral
places like the middle of a bridge, 2, X rune.
Obtaining - agate, beryl, jade, Hematite, spiders, targets, brass
rings, pointers, anything that helps solidify other items (flour,
gelatine), 4, red, orange.
Omens - divination tools, eyes, grey hair, yellow, 5, dirt, birds, feathers,
candles, copper, reflective surfaces, bowls, round crystals, moonstone.
Openings - open windows, open books, open doors, starting line in a
race, keys, handles, hammer, shovel, archways, can openers, camera, 1,
yellow-green, brown.
Organisation - computers, calculator, pen, notepad, clock, broom,
filing cabinets, drawers, 2, 3, 10, gold, yellow, fish, amethyst, coral.
Overcoming - steps, ladders, iron, balloons, cleansing herbs, element
fire, salt, items that are loosened, untied shoes, 4, 8, 10, red.
Passion - chocolate, eggs, "energy foods", red, orange, onyx,
candlelight, 2, fire related items.
Passages - butterfly, chameleon, hoops, fire pits, keys, doors,
archways, woven or flowing things, almond, butter, salves, agate,
element air, purple, blue.
Peace - bridges, open hands, pale blue, amethyst, 2, white.
Power - electrical outlets, batteries, blender, quartz, topaz, gold,
red, orange, 8, your hair, lion, powerful animals.
Prejudice - east wind, anything that softens and smooths, an iron,
skin lotion, carnelian, amethyst, open hand, eyes, ears, 2, 3, blue, white, black.
Prosperity - 4, 12, north wind, fish, dragonfly, anything that
thrives in your area, shells.
Protection - coral, malachite, topaz, image of a shield, sprinkled
water, fence, white light, dog, circle, 6.
Quests - primary colors, 4, 13, 40, birds, horses, holy grail,
chalices, shoes, thread, moonstone, rock crystal, footpaths, east wind
Quick mindedness - yellow, gold, 10, amethyst, rabbit, snap of the
finger, coin flips, alarms, light bulbs, sharp items, east wind.
Quiet - white, pink, black, dark blue, stars, snow, ear, finger to lips, bed.
Recovering items - 2, 4, yellow, blue, agate, amethyst, chicken,
string, circle, boomerang, magnet, magnifying glass, dowsing rod
Relationships - bridges, cake, cups, jade, knots, dog, woven or
connected items, 2, 3, 9, 12, 13, pink, orange, cocoa, paperclips,
things that join or unite other items.
Remembering - fish, 5, 8, 10, books, notepad, photo, computers,
carnelian, dragons, elephant, tortoise, long living creatures, yellow, gold.
Roles - masks, costumes, chameleon, flexible and fluid or variegated
items, 4, 6, 8, 10, curtains, make-up, mirrors.
Safe travel - car, plane, inspection stickers, road map, guidebooks,
cameras, coins, moonstone, turquoise, shoes, white.
Separation - % symbol, fire, cut cords, scissors, knives, partitions,
things that can be stored or put out of sight, ashes, oil, salves, blue, black.
Sleep - pillows, quiet music, bed, blankets, yawning, topaz, sheep, bears, caves.
Speech - wax lips, silver tongue, cue cards, soup, coffee, ham,
quartz, carnelian, gold, red, yellow, 8.
Teachers/teaching - pointers, chalk, white robes, amethyst, agate,
magnets, sun, books, keys, gold, green, 4, 8, 10, 12, 21, brown.
Technomagic - item in need of repair, tools, instruction manuals, amethyst.
Tenacity - sticky items, red coals, immovable objects, ants, orange, red, 3.
Thrift - mouse, shopping coupons, pennies, leftovers, bank, change
purse, jars, bottles, food wrap, measuring cups, macaroni and cheese,
bread, cords, twist ties, yellow, green, 10, anything that stretches.
Transformation - fires, ashes, caterpillar, butterfly, eggs, flower
buds, seeds, food processor, moon phases, phoenix, masks, pepper, 8,
anything that changes.
Unconscious mind - ink, wax blots, silver, white, moon, water, eyes, 7.
Understanding - ear or open hand, binoculars, glasses, items that
improve vision, amethyst, keys, light bulbs, candles, sunlight, 40, 5, orange.
Unions - rings, flower garlands, contracts, cups, triangle, wax
seals, tied knots, celebratory decorations, cake, agate, 1, 2.
Versatility - modelling clay, play-dough, rubber band, water,
chameleon, cats, winds, 5, 12, wax, anything which changes.
Victory - finishing line, flags, thumbs-up sign, agate, Hematite,
ants, rubber tree, 4, blue, red, gold.
Viewpoints - ladders, telescopes, birds, binoculars, glasses, lamps,
5, "which came first, the chicken or the egg".
Virtue - glove, sword, coat of arms, jade, agate, amethyst, rock crystal, 9, 13.
Visions (dreams) - pizza and other unusual combinations of food
stuffs, yellow, eye pads, topaz.
Weather - water, drums, fires, bird calls, smoke blown in a certain
direction, jasper, knots, elemental colors, weather symbols,
creatures of very specific climates, objects associated through
folklore with specific weather patterns (like red sun = rain).
Web weaving (networks) - spider webs, things that connect, tape,
string, paperclips, chain, baskets, phone lines, chain letters, trees.
Wisdom - sage, 5, owl, agate, amethyst, purple, old people.
Wishes - wells, coins, candles, bottles, rainbows, 4 leaved clovers,
7, dandelion, feathers, first star in the sky.
Youthful outlook - falling star, chalk, crayons, toys, garnet,
balloons, jelly, cookies, candy, traditional children's food (eg.
Fairy floss), white, pale yellow, open windows, swings, slides.
Zeal - cheering, pompoms, young playful animals, red, 6, fire element, sausage.
Adaptation: Red, yellow, 7, 10, liquid, anything that can be turned
or bent without breaking, clay.
Anger: 1, 13, white, white flag, dove, items to represent the focus
of the anger, breakable or tearable things, fires that can be extinguished.
Art: tools of art, goddess image, artistically inspiring items,
yellow, blue ribbon, 5, 7, 10, 12, lunar herbs and foods.
Balance: Triangle, hourglass, scales, stilts, balance beam, 2, two of
anything, pentacles, Yin and Yang symbol, mirror images.
Banishing: red, white, silver, black, 6, 8, soap and water, soil,
items that can be turned inside out or reversed, counterclockwise.
Beauty: 3, 21, pastel colors, classic artwork, mirror, make-up, swan.
Blessing: hand, anointing oil, 2, warm colors, water and other
elemental symbols, halo, gold light.
Choices: pendulum, penny, coins, straws of different lengths, 10, gray, black, white.
Cleansing - 2, 8, 40, agate, chrysolite, soap and wash cloth, bath or
shower, washing machine, sink.
Communication - pink, 2, amethyst, beryl, carnelian, Hematite,
telephone, stationary, pencils, pens, typewriter, computers.
Conscious mind - warm golden colors, amethyst, coral, books, glasses, desks, 1.
Courage - red, gold, 8, beryl, Hematite, swords, gloves, iron crosses,
purple heart, pens, lions.
Dedication - 6, 13, purple, anything sticky, dog.
Discernment - silver, stones, malachite, purple, 7, 5, any substance
that can be cleared away (flour, sugar etc.)
Divination - yellow, 5, all divinatory tools (Tarot cards, crystal ball etc.)
Doubt - garnet, tourmaline, 10, bright colors, any items representing balance.
Ecology - 9, 12, green, globe. Picture of earth, soil, natural things,
rustic things, dried leaves, musk.
Employment - tin, 4, 6, 13, first earned dollar bill, position vacant
advertisements, green, orange.
Energy - topaz, red, orange, 8, 40, flags, bread, incoming tides,
items that expand and rise.
Fear - tea, amethyst, sardonx, red, silver.
Fertility - 7, 12, east wind (Eurius), storks, rabbits, pregnant
goddesses, eggs, cheese, agate, coral, jade, green, yellow, knots
Forgiveness - moonstone, alexandrite, white, 2, 9, anything to
represent the area of discord.
Friendship - jade, pink, 12, 2, picture of friends, interlocking symbols.
Foundations - lead, earth color, 1, 3, 12, soil, farms, trees, root, anchors.
Ghosts - candles, wind items, ouija boards, personal things of the
person being contacted, sheets, agate, lodestone, turquoise,
(to protect from ghosts = jade, jasper, malachite, pepper, beans)
goals - bullseye, dart board, target, arrows, ladders, steps, 4, red,
orange, brown, daisy, ant, agate, beryl, jade.
Gossip - 4, 8, 9, carnelian, worms, fire, binding items such as
paperclips, staples and clothes pegs.
Grief - jet, 1, 21, balms, feathers, tea, cocoa, chocolate.
Grounding - 1, 6, 12, cellar or low rooms, soil, trees, brown
Habits - representation of the habit, yeast bread dough (which rises
to better things), soda left to go flat (represents negative energy),
ashes, butterflies, red, green.
Harmony - pale blue, white, 2, 3, gentle music, objects where several
items come together to form beauty (floral arrangements, fabric), scales.
Health - 3, turquoise, amber, coral, bandages, ankh, red cross, red,
blue, green, orange juice, chicken soup.
Heart break - carnelian, coral, 8, tissues, rose quartz.
Humour - agate, feathers, kittens, otters, gag gifts, toys, bright
colors, fool tarot card, clowns.
Identifying (people and objects) - clay balls (uncovering thievery),
tea leaves, flour or dust, beer, 5, yellow, dowsing tools.
Imagination - yellow, birds, butterflies, winged creatures, clouds,
closet, kites, 3rd eye, inner child.
Inspiration - 7, beer, tea, bright colors, green, yellow, light, open
windows, open eye.
Intuition - lamps, coffee, water, all fluids, mushrooms, eggs, key
holes, silver, yellow, green, 5.
Jobs - money, job advertisements, status symbols, company logos, 13,
meat, gourmet foods, symbols of security.
Joy - agate, balloons, cake, cheese, feathers, honey, sugar, jelly, blue.
Judgement - amethyst. Birds, coffee, mushrooms, gold, blueish purple,
10, magnifying, glass, scales, calculator.
Kindness - supple items, things that soften or smooth, sandpaper,
fabric softener, skin lotion, charity organisation logo, flowers,
cookies, orange, 9.
Kinship - interlocking web or chain, spider web, trees, roses, coat
of arms, broom, knots, bread, jade, pink, 1, 9, 12, warm and cozy
items, picnic tables, bbq.
Knowledge - books, glasses, library, school, desk, notepad, light
bulb, sharp items, computer, yellow, gold, sunflower, 3, 4, 6, 10
Leadership - medals, crowns, rod of leadership, elevated chair, lions,
grasshoppers, amethyst, honey wine, gold, redish purple.
Liberation - birds, wings, broken chains and cords, untied knots,
cleansing spices, garlic, amethyst, ashes, 4, 40.
Love - 2, 3, 12, heart, doves, lovebirds, flowers, cupid, mead.
Luck - 1, 4, 7, personal lucky, number, 13, dragonfly, rabbits foot,
fish, rainbows, wind, ships, champagne, found items, black cats.
Lust - chocolate, cherries, red
Magic - moonstone, amber, silver, quartz, 7, 13, elder, eggs,
athame, wand (etc.), circle, pentagram, purple, woven items,
candles, "witch animals" such as cats.
Mental abilities - amethyst, books, glasses, computers, keys,
diplomas, 6, 10, yellow, gold.
Money - green, silver, gold, anything that grows and expands, wallet,
chequebook, pay stub, piggy bank, wishing wells, alfalfa, allspice,
almond, moss agate, moonstone, shells.
Movement - red, yellow, vibrant colors, batteries, electric
generators, sneakers, active clothes (tracksuits) , cars, bikes, train
(etc.), clouds, water, roads, blenders, matches, animals and insects
known for swiftness, bees, birds, air, 40.
Nature - animals or plant costumes, masks, pictures, seasonal
representations, gardens, woods, places of nature, green, brown, 9, 12.
Negotiation - binoculars, glasses, things that have the ability to
smooth or cool, ice, blenders, white, pink, yellow, gold, amethyst,
carnelian, open hand, flexible items, 2.
New endeavours - pinky orange, new brooms, keys, chimes, open doors,
chicken, cheese, agate, 3, 4, 6.
Nightmares - agate, amber, malachite, pyrite, white, blue, gold, 6.
Oaths - carnelian, agate, amethyst, knots, communal cups, neutral
places like the middle of a bridge, 2, X rune.
Obtaining - agate, beryl, jade, Hematite, spiders, targets, brass
rings, pointers, anything that helps solidify other items (flour,
gelatine), 4, red, orange.
Omens - divination tools, eyes, grey hair, yellow, 5, dirt, birds, feathers,
candles, copper, reflective surfaces, bowls, round crystals, moonstone.
Openings - open windows, open books, open doors, starting line in a
race, keys, handles, hammer, shovel, archways, can openers, camera, 1,
yellow-green, brown.
Organisation - computers, calculator, pen, notepad, clock, broom,
filing cabinets, drawers, 2, 3, 10, gold, yellow, fish, amethyst, coral.
Overcoming - steps, ladders, iron, balloons, cleansing herbs, element
fire, salt, items that are loosened, untied shoes, 4, 8, 10, red.
Passion - chocolate, eggs, "energy foods", red, orange, onyx,
candlelight, 2, fire related items.
Passages - butterfly, chameleon, hoops, fire pits, keys, doors,
archways, woven or flowing things, almond, butter, salves, agate,
element air, purple, blue.
Peace - bridges, open hands, pale blue, amethyst, 2, white.
Power - electrical outlets, batteries, blender, quartz, topaz, gold,
red, orange, 8, your hair, lion, powerful animals.
Prejudice - east wind, anything that softens and smooths, an iron,
skin lotion, carnelian, amethyst, open hand, eyes, ears, 2, 3, blue, white, black.
Prosperity - 4, 12, north wind, fish, dragonfly, anything that
thrives in your area, shells.
Protection - coral, malachite, topaz, image of a shield, sprinkled
water, fence, white light, dog, circle, 6.
Quests - primary colors, 4, 13, 40, birds, horses, holy grail,
chalices, shoes, thread, moonstone, rock crystal, footpaths, east wind
Quick mindedness - yellow, gold, 10, amethyst, rabbit, snap of the
finger, coin flips, alarms, light bulbs, sharp items, east wind.
Quiet - white, pink, black, dark blue, stars, snow, ear, finger to lips, bed.
Recovering items - 2, 4, yellow, blue, agate, amethyst, chicken,
string, circle, boomerang, magnet, magnifying glass, dowsing rod
Relationships - bridges, cake, cups, jade, knots, dog, woven or
connected items, 2, 3, 9, 12, 13, pink, orange, cocoa, paperclips,
things that join or unite other items.
Remembering - fish, 5, 8, 10, books, notepad, photo, computers,
carnelian, dragons, elephant, tortoise, long living creatures, yellow, gold.
Roles - masks, costumes, chameleon, flexible and fluid or variegated
items, 4, 6, 8, 10, curtains, make-up, mirrors.
Safe travel - car, plane, inspection stickers, road map, guidebooks,
cameras, coins, moonstone, turquoise, shoes, white.
Separation - % symbol, fire, cut cords, scissors, knives, partitions,
things that can be stored or put out of sight, ashes, oil, salves, blue, black.
Sleep - pillows, quiet music, bed, blankets, yawning, topaz, sheep, bears, caves.
Speech - wax lips, silver tongue, cue cards, soup, coffee, ham,
quartz, carnelian, gold, red, yellow, 8.
Teachers/teaching - pointers, chalk, white robes, amethyst, agate,
magnets, sun, books, keys, gold, green, 4, 8, 10, 12, 21, brown.
Technomagic - item in need of repair, tools, instruction manuals, amethyst.
Tenacity - sticky items, red coals, immovable objects, ants, orange, red, 3.
Thrift - mouse, shopping coupons, pennies, leftovers, bank, change
purse, jars, bottles, food wrap, measuring cups, macaroni and cheese,
bread, cords, twist ties, yellow, green, 10, anything that stretches.
Transformation - fires, ashes, caterpillar, butterfly, eggs, flower
buds, seeds, food processor, moon phases, phoenix, masks, pepper, 8,
anything that changes.
Unconscious mind - ink, wax blots, silver, white, moon, water, eyes, 7.
Understanding - ear or open hand, binoculars, glasses, items that
improve vision, amethyst, keys, light bulbs, candles, sunlight, 40, 5, orange.
Unions - rings, flower garlands, contracts, cups, triangle, wax
seals, tied knots, celebratory decorations, cake, agate, 1, 2.
Versatility - modelling clay, play-dough, rubber band, water,
chameleon, cats, winds, 5, 12, wax, anything which changes.
Victory - finishing line, flags, thumbs-up sign, agate, Hematite,
ants, rubber tree, 4, blue, red, gold.
Viewpoints - ladders, telescopes, birds, binoculars, glasses, lamps,
5, "which came first, the chicken or the egg".
Virtue - glove, sword, coat of arms, jade, agate, amethyst, rock crystal, 9, 13.
Visions (dreams) - pizza and other unusual combinations of food
stuffs, yellow, eye pads, topaz.
Weather - water, drums, fires, bird calls, smoke blown in a certain
direction, jasper, knots, elemental colors, weather symbols,
creatures of very specific climates, objects associated through
folklore with specific weather patterns (like red sun = rain).
Web weaving (networks) - spider webs, things that connect, tape,
string, paperclips, chain, baskets, phone lines, chain letters, trees.
Wisdom - sage, 5, owl, agate, amethyst, purple, old people.
Wishes - wells, coins, candles, bottles, rainbows, 4 leaved clovers,
7, dandelion, feathers, first star in the sky.
Youthful outlook - falling star, chalk, crayons, toys, garnet,
balloons, jelly, cookies, candy, traditional children's food (eg.
Fairy floss), white, pale yellow, open windows, swings, slides.
Zeal - cheering, pompoms, young playful animals, red, 6, fire element, sausage.
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