Sunday, November 4, 2012

Apple seed Divination

*An Apple Spell for What the Heart Desires*

"Whatsoever your heart desires
Write it down in words of fire
Cut the Sacred Apple through
Place your wish between the two
Seal with twigs from the Lady's Tree
Place in a kiln until dried it be
Sleep upon it night or day
Until good fortune comes your way."

If you are having difficulty making up your mind between two people,
places or situations just take two apple seeds and assign one to each of
your choices. Stand in front of a mirror and stick the seeds on your
forehead. The one that falls off last is the right choice.

For people desiring to know the initial of the person who will be their
next relationship,
take an apple seed and stick the seed to your
forehead. Recite the alphabet. The letter you are saying when the seed
falls is the initial you seek.

Counting the seeds was also a form of divination. To find out what the
future held, people would cut an apple in half and count the seeds in
the core.
If the seeds were even in number, good luck was coming. An odd
number indicated a disappointment and cutting one of the seeds in half
indicated that the future could hold hard lessons and uncertainty.

In Austria if a girl cut an apple in half on St. Thomas' Night it was
believed she would learn her future.
An even number of seeds indicated
that she would marry soon but if one or more of the seeds was cut she
would have troubles in her future and be widowed.

Another stem twisting divination was used for a basic 'yes' of 'no'
You would ask your question while holding the apple in your left
hand and, with your right, begin twisting the stem. Every time you twist
the stem, say yes or no. The word that you say when the stem twists off
is the answer to your question.

Many cultures have interesting beliefs and traditions about apples. An
apple appearing in the grounds of your tea cup indicates an achievement.

In Britain if an apple tree comes into bloom out of season while still
bearing fruit it was an augury of a death in the family. In the rest of
Europe this same event is viewed as an omen of extremely good fortune.

It is also good fortune to find any type of fruit growing double. If you
share it with a friend you will both receive a wish. A pregnant woman
eating one could have twins.

In Somerset at Congresbury land auctions for single acre plots on two
pieces of common land were once held. Each plot was marked and a
matching mark was made on an apple. The apples were placed in a bag and
were distributed to the commoners to allocate their plot.

In Switzerland, William Tell refused to bow in homage to an Austrian
nobleman's hat and was forced to shoot an apple off his son's head as

by Cheryl Lynne Bradely

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