make beautiful cinnamon roses on your presents instead of bows. They add a wonderful scent along with a beautiful personal touch
1 1/2 cups ground cinnamon
1 cup applesauce
1/3 cup white school glue (like Elmer's)
1 medium sized bowl
Flat surface for kneading
Wax paper
Rolling pin
Cookie cutters - various types
Non-stick cooling rack
optionally - puffy paints
Mix cinnamon, applesauce, and glue together in a bowl, remove from the bowl and knead the mixture until it turns into a firm clay. Let it sit for about 30 minutes as clay is best used at room temp. You may need to dust your rolling pin, hands or working surface with cinnamon, or use wax paper as a working surface. Roll out clay with a rolling pin to approx. 1/8 of an inch thick and use cutters to cut out desired shapes. If you are going to hang them, use a straw to cut out a hole near the top of the shape. Place shapes on a non stick cooling rack - or wax paper but you'll need to keep an eye on them and turn them over occasionally so that they dry evenly and dry flat. Dry the shapes for approx. 5 days. When dry you may put a ribbon through the hole for hanging, add to packages or anything else you can think of.
Optional - you may add puffy paint to decorate your shapes or decorate with dried flowers.
Cinnamon spice ornaments
Preparation Time: 30 minutes
Bake Time: 40 minutes, or 1 to 2 days air drying
Makes 12-15
• Cookie cutters
• Cookie sheet (use an old one that you won't use for food again)
• Drinking straw
• Ribbon or string
• Plastic wrap
• Rolling pin
• Parchment paper to line cookie sheets
• Disposable gloves
• 3/4 cup applesauce
• 1 to 4.12 ounce bottle ground cinnamon (You can substitute a portion of the cinnamon with ground ginger,
allspice, ground cloves, etc.)
• 1 to 2 tablespoons white glue to start
1. Mix applesauce and white glue with spices to form a stiff dough. Don't add all of the glue at once. Drizzle a little glue at a time until dough reaches right consistency, not too wet, or crumbly.
2. Place the dough between two sheets of plastic wrap. With rolling pin flatten dough to 1/4-inch thickness. Remove top sheet of plastic wrap and cut dough with cookie cutters. Move ornament to cookie sheet with a spatula. Cut holes for ribbon with the drinking straw. Bake at 200 degrees until ornaments slightly darken, about 40 minutes; place on rack to cool. You can also air dry for 1 to 2 days; turn ornaments occasionally to prevent warping! These are NOT EDIBLE!
Flubber can be stretched. You can write on it with a magic marker. You can make shapes out of it with cookie cutters or stencils. It's a GREAT way to keep kids occupied!
1 1/2 cups water with food coloring
1 cup warm water divided into thirds
2 cups Elmer's Glue
3 teaspoons Borax
Step 1: In large bowl combine 2 cups glue and 1 1/2 cups water.
Step 2: Into 3 separate cups, mix 1/3 cup warm water and 1 teaspoon Borax. Stir until dissolved.
Step 3: Add one of the small cups containing water/Borax solution into the large bowl of glue/water solution. There will be an immediate reaction.
Step 4: Quickly gather up the resulting "goop". Remove it and knead it. When you set it down, there will be a little liquid around it. Additional kneading makes it more workable.
Step 5: Add the second cup of water/Borax\ 'ae solution and repeat the procedure above. Add the third cup of solution and repeat. There may be some remaining mixture after you remove the amount of Flubber. Just discard it.
Store Flubber in an airtight container or a zip lock bag. It should last at
least 2 weeks.
Editable play-doh
1 (18 ounce) jar creamy peanut butter
6 tablespoons honey
3/4 cup non-fat powdered milk
Mix ingredients together, using varying amounts of dry milk for desired consistencies.
Peanut Butter Play-Doh
Here is another version of same playdough
1/2 cup honey
1/4 cup peanut butter, smooth
1/2 cup dry milk
Mix ingredients until you have the consistency of play dough. Knead it with fingers, forming into desired shapes, adding other foods like M&M's or peanuts for eyes, mouths, etc.
Microwave play-doh
Makes nice ornaments
4 c All-purpose flour
1 c Salt
1 1/2 c Hot water (instant coffee Added to water gives dough "browned" color)
Knead dough 6 - 8 minutes. Roll out dough and cut with cookie cutters into desired shapes.
Place on wax paper on glass tray; with a toothpick, make several holes in each piece to let air escape,
then microwave on high for about 2 minutes. Time will vary according to size of "cookies."
When baked, allow to cool before decorating.
Cloud Dough
fun to play with, This dough does not keep well.
3 c Flour
2 tb Powdered tempera
1/2 c Salad oil
Mix together the flour, tempera, and oil. Add enough water to make a soft, pliable, elastic-like dough.
Chocolate Clay dough
Chocolate peanut butter to be exact. Make an army or animals then eat them. create place settings that can be eaten afterwards. Even make roses. The crafts are endless.
1 (16-ounce) container ready-to-spread chocolate frosting
1 cup creamy peanut butter
1-1/2 cups confectioners' sugar
1. In a large bowl, combine all the ingredients; mix well.
2. This is ready for use or can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator.
Stored as directed, it should keep for a few weeks.
Bakers Clay
4 cups flour
1 cup salt
1 1/4 - 1 1/2 cup water
Mix together and knead until smooth. Add food coloring if desired. Make shapes and bake at 300
degrees until set and golden (1/2 hr to 1 hr). For a more golden appearance, paint with a beaten egg when it is almost done baking and looks dry. You can paint with egg twice or three times for a darker golden color. Don't use egg on colored dough. For colored dough, paint with shallac or laquer after
baking. If cracks appear, patch with some slightly moister dough and continue baking.
another Play-doh
1 cup Plain Flour
1 cup Water + some food colouring
1/2 cup salt
1 Tblsp Oil
2 tsp Cream, of Tartar
Mix it all up in a large saucepan. Stir steadily and constantly over a
Low heat until it thickens to a sticky dough. Tip it out onto a
Floured surface and knead the flour in (watch it, it'll be hot) until
It 'looks right'. You'll know it when you see it. Keep it in an
Airtight container.
Scented Rocks
1/2 cup of flour (wholemeal flour gives great texture.)
1/2 cup of salt
1/4 teaspoon of essential oil (your favorite scent)
2/3 cup of boiling water
And food coloring if wanted
Mix all the dry ingredients together then add the oil and lastly the hot water. Add the color drop by drop.
Once cool enough to handle roll into small balls around 2-3 inch in size or be creative and make assorted shapes.
This mixture dries hard after several days in a warm but dry area.
Spray chalk
4 tablespoons cornstarch
1 cup warm water
4 to 6 drops food coloring
Mix all ingredients together in a bowl. Pour into a small plant Mister.
Shake before using to avoid clogs. You can use this to create Designs on sidewalks, in the snow, or at the beach for colorful Sand sculptures.
Squeezy Bottle Glitter
1 part flour,
1 part salt,
1 part water,
food coloring.
Mix equal parts of flour, salt, and water. Pour into plastic squeeze bottles such as those used for mustard and ketchup. Add food coloring for variety. Squeeze onto heavy construction paper or cardboard. The salt gives the designs a glistening quality when dry.
May want to remind children to make a design and not huge lakes of squeezy glitter.
Lakes of squeezy glitter take forever to dry.
Homemade Snow Paint Mix together 1/2 cup flour, 1/2 cup salt and 1/2 cup water. Using a small sponge for a brush, paint snow pictures on black or dark blue construction paper. You can paint anything with a snow theme - snowmen, snowflakes, snow-covered mountains, snowy trees, etc. This paint gives a great three-dimensional effect. Let the picture dry thoroughly. You can also use regular paints on top of the snow paint after it dries. Try putting it into a squeeze bottle and "painting" pictures this way!
Egg shell chalk
Eggshell chalk is for sidewalks only.
Egg shells
1 teaspoon flour
1 teaspoon very hot tap water
Food coloring (optional)
Wash & dry eggshells. Put into bowl and grind into a powder. A mortar and
pestle works fine for this. Discard any large pieces. Place flour and hot
water in another bowl and add 1 tablespoon eggshell powder & mix until a
paste forms. Add food coloring if desired. Shape & press mixture firmly into
the shape of a chalk stick, and roll up tightly in a strip of paper towel.
Allow to dry approximately 3 days until hard. Remove paper towel & you've
got chalk!
Wacky water colors
3 Tbs. Baking soda
3 Tbs. Cornstarch
3 Tbs. White vinegar
1 1/2 tsp. Light corn syrup food coloring
1.Mix vinegar, baking soda, cornstarch, and corn syrup together in a small
2.Divide the mixture into several small plastic tubs or jar lids.
3.Add 6-8 drops of food coloring to each tub or lid, and mix.
4.Use Wacky Watercolors as they are, or allow them to dry into hard cakes of
5.When painting with dry paint cakes, be sure to wet your brush before
Experiment by mixing different colors of food coloring to create
custom-blended colors of Wacky Watercolors. Use Wacky Watercolors with a
pencil and a coloring book to create your own paint-by-number pictures.

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