Sunday, November 4, 2012

Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram


Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram

Author: Unknown

Take a steel dagger in the right hand (or use the index finger). Face EAST.

Perform the Cabbalistic Cross as follows:

Imagine, at the first word intoned, a brilliant white light descend from above.

Touch the forehead and vibrate ATEH (thou art)

Imagine that same brilliant white light form a 6 inch diameter sphere just above the
crown of your head.

Touch the middle of the solar plexus and vibrate MALKUTH (Kingdom)

Imagine a shaft of light descending from the Crown Sphere and descend to the feet
where another 6 inch sphere expands just under your feet.

Touch the right shoulder and vibrate VE-GEVURAH (and Power)

Imagine a 6 inch sphere of brilliant white light appear just next to the right shoulder.

Touch the left shoulder and vibrate VE-GEDULAH (and Glory)

Imagine a shaft of light emerge from the right Sphere and cross your breast to
expand and form another Sphere at your left shoulder.

Clasp the hands before you and vibrate LE-OLAHM (for ever)

At this point imagine clearly the cross of light as it extends through your body.

Hands as before, with the dagger between fingers, point up, vibrate AMEN

Draw, in the air facing EAST, a banishing Earth Pentagram (shown below), and
bringing the point of the dagger to the center of the Pentagram, visualize the pentagram as flaming gas-jet blue as you draw.

Inhale through the nose. As you do, feel energy flow from the ends of the universe
through your nose and body, and down and out of the bottoms of your feet to the center of the Earth. As you inhale, raise both hands to the sides of your head by your ears. The dagger or right-hand index finger should be pointing forward. Draw your left hand (which should have remained at your side until now) into a similar position by your left ear, the index finger pointing forward, the rest of the fingers closed into a fist.

vibrate the Name Y H V H (pronounced YAHD HEY VAU HEY)

Imagine that your voice carries forward to the limits of the universe.

Without moving the dagger in any other direction, trace a semicircle before
you as you turn toward the SOUTH. Again trace the Pentagram, bring the dagger to the center of it, and vibrate the Name ADNI, (pronounced AH-DOH-NEYE)

Again, trace the semicircle with the dagger to the WEST, trace the Pentagram,
bringing the dagger to the center, and vibrate the Name AHIH, (pronounced EH-YEH)

Then, turn towards the NORTH, while tracing the circle, trace the Pentagram, bring
the point of the dagger to the center and vibrate the Name AGLA, (pronounced AH-GAH-LAH)

Complete the circle by connecting a white line from the north to the east where you
began. Then moving in the same clockwise direction, come back behind the altar. You should once again be facing to the East.

Now visualize the brilliant white circle expanding up and down to form a sphere
above, below and all around you. What you have done is created a sphere in brilliant white all around you with electric blue pentagrams at the quarters that have been charged and sealed with names of God.

Extend the arms in the form of a cross, say: BEFORE ME (then vibrate) RAPHAEL
(pronounced RAH-PHYE-EHL)

Imagine a scintillating brilliant white Archangel in front of you and facing you. In
his/her right hand is a magical Sword held with the point upright. The background is a pale, pure, bright yellow. Cherubs can be imagined near the Archangel. Imagine a gentle, refreshing breeze, cleansing and purifying the air.

Then, say: BEHIND ME (then vibrate) GABRIEL (pronounced GAH-BREE-EHL)

Imagine a scintillating brilliant white Archangel behind you and facing you, holding in
their right hand an exquisite silver Chalice. He/she is standing on a Cerulean-blue ocean and dolphins or mermaids are nearby. Imagine feeling the mist and cool spray of the ocean breeze.

Then, say: AT MY RIGHT HAND (then vibrate) MICHAEL (pronounced MEE-CHYE-EHL)

Imagine a scintillating brilliant white Archangel at your right, facing you, and holding
in their right hand a transparent scarlet red Wand with a scintillate pure diamond top. Waves of scarlet, red-orange and orange fire in the background. Also, SEKHMET, with a scarlet disk above her head, emerald green Uraeus, scarlet dress from just below breasts, tight-fitting, down to her ankles, is in the flames. She holds, in her left hand, a scarlet-red lotus wand. In her right hand, she holds an emerald-green ankh. Small black salamanders can be seen moving among the flames. Imagine you feel the heat and power emanating from the SOUTH.

Then, say: AT MY LEFT HAND (then vibrate) AURIEL (pronounced AWE-REE-EHL)

Imagine a scintillating brilliant white Archangel at your left, facing you, and holding
between their hands a Disk with a scintillating white Pentagram in the center. The ground is russet-brown, the leaves of the trees are olive-green, there are black shadows from the trees in a number of places, and the light is citrine (light yellow-green.) Feel the solidity of the Earth, and imagine the odor of the leaves and muskiness of the ground.


Imagine the complete circle of brilliant white light at whose quadrants are the 4
Pentagrams. At the center is the Cabbalistic Cross of Light extended through one's body.

Repeat the Cabbalistic cross, and, according to some occultists, stamp your right foot at the conclusion of the complete operation.

The Lesser Banishing should be done at the beginning of a ritual to clear the area for magickal workings and then again after to discharge the magickal force raised during a ritual. This ritual can be done anywhere, and is useful on the astral to "get rid of" unwanted visitors (ie elementals or other etheric beings you run into on the astral).

The visualizations that go with the ritual are: Qabalistic Cross-- a beam of energy
entering your head and exiting your feet, and another crossing from hand to hand, your heart should be where the two beams cross and as they do a rose made out of light should bloom.

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