Ok here goes, I know it sounds crazy but it has been witnessed by more than myself. We now live in a house made in the early 1940's. 1944 to be exact. It was owned by a School teacher, a mason who was doing some sort of conjuring and seams to of left a rip that seams to allow things to cross over but only around this time a year.
Last year from early September to end of November 2011, we had things cross into our world that would make a scary movie seam like a walk in the park. Some kind of a shadow entity or something I have never even heard of, about the size of a man crossed by a door near where I was sitting. When I thought hide and seek it seamed to hide just out of view, making me thing I might be crazy. But to make sure I realized I wasn't it kept crossing from one side of the door to the other until I was very nervous As I started to walk away it filled the room behind me with darkness and over powering fright, as I ran the size of the darkness grew to fill the room. When I slammed the door behind me, I felt it was gone, but my husband wasn't sure until he opened the door and it was not there. We saw it about 8 times in a 2 month period and each time it was more insistent on scaring us. We think it feeds on fear so we worked hard on not showing any. My husband on three occasions stood staring it down and in late November it was gone. then nothing.
During that time, there was also something that climbed wall of our bedroom at night and hung over our bed, it had a low growl. I woke one night with my husband snoring in one ear and it growling inches from my other ear. Scared the hell out of me. The thing that hung onto the wall over our bed walked on all fours, had claws on it's four toes and used the to hold on. I am not sure if I fell back asleep or passed out, later as if a dream I felt something hold me over on my stomach, clawing my back as it sunk it's mouth into my flesh. In the morning when I was getting dressed my husband told me to turn around. There on my back was bruises of what looked like a deformed hand (like three nails) on my left shoulder and my right side of the neck with a strange oblong puncture mark at the base of my neck. We also had strange oldtime radio talk shows and old music play at night with nothing on. It seamed to be coming from our bathroom area. But if you got up the noice seamed to stop.
Now for this year, the music like a old radio started in early September 2012. Like the year before as did the old radio talk show coming on at night when we were sleeping, I wake up to it many times. Then two weeks ( 10-3-2012) ago we were met with a growl in the basement. My husband ran up the stairs thinking there was a hurt raccoon in the basement, he got a baseball bat and went back down. while lunging the bat into the dark corners where boxes were, he heard it again. Then seen a shadowy very fast thing go up the stairs and he called to me to look out it was coming my way. Well it hid in the open cupboard we think because neither of us found it. But after my hubby gave up and left the room, as an after thought I started talking to it soothingly, as I told it if it caused no harm we would not harm it. The growls started very low. Like a scared child, I was at the table it seamed to be right below me. I felt something touch me like a cat rubbing on your leg, it felt like small electrical currents, It took me a minute to look down and felt it hide. We have heard the growls only a few more times but feel it in the basement when we are down there until last week and nothing.
Now my questions?
What faerie, gnome or small entity, might pass through the veil around this time. maybe about a foot tall and wide, dark shadowy, maybe without real form or able to conceal it's shelf amongst the shadows? Doesn't speak but growls and possible imitates a dog sighing and a low woof as we have heard both when my dog is outside. It can move without sound and very fast. Seams non confrontational and scared. Seams to understand a soothing mothers voice and if you are touched there is a small electrical current felt.
Can anyone identify it?
If so are we in danger?
will it leave as the veil changes again like the other did last year?
also about another that came last year around this time
Do you think they will return?
Last year 2011 there were also ladies strolling through my house coming from the basement and passing through our bathroom before disappearing. They all wore long gowns and one had a parasol. They seamed to not see me at all. Each time was different. once was three women, and a few times only two women. My husband also heard a woman call him when I was not home. He would look where He thought it was coming from and nothing but when he was away from the area it would call again, until he had to leave the house because he was so uncomfortable.
I have lots of experience with spirits but not much with unworldly enitities. Can anyone help idenify what they are.
I realize the women and the radio is what they call a repeating spirit. It loops over and over in time. But the women are always different. Never heard of that before?

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