Sunday, October 21, 2012


Everything has an aura.

Some people can see past the 3D color/aura spectrum and see the frequencies of light that are streaming through now. These colors may appear as a rainbow or twin rainbows.

An aura is the electromagnetic field surrounding an object. Some people refer to this field as a bio-energy field.

In truth this energy field not only goes around you, but moves within your body as well. It is not just the outside of your body that is made of electromagnetic energies, every part of your and everything your experience in third dimension.

Auras vibrate to different color, sound and light frequencies. The color spectrum varies with one's physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual states.

Auras are in a constant state of flux.

When I do a psychic reading with someone, I always check their aura first. If the aura sways back and forth, the person has a chemical imbalance, due to drugs, medication, drinking, a chemical imbalance in the body.

When I look at a photo of a person who has no aura - or the aura appears black - I know the person has crossed over - in part - or totally - as their physical body no longer has an electromagnetic energy field.

Your aura usually consist of more than one color at a time.

It can extend out very far or remain close to the body, which occurs when the person is protecting themselves form someone or something.

Some people can psychically look at the subject and see images within the person's aura. These images may include symbols/archetypes, people, digits, or even another aspect of the person's soul that is coming through in their third dimensional aura from another realm.

When two people have just been lovers, they will show up in each other auras, the color of their auras depending on the nature of their relationship.

When people have done healing work together - or shared any physical contact - they will share a common auric field for a period of time as they have just merged their electromagnetic energies.

Auras can be seen physically, or sensed psychically, or both.

To practice seeing auras - have the subject stand in front of a white background and look to the side of their body - either side is fine.

Daylight is often the best light as the sun's rays are full spectrum.

If you watch the person for a minute, you will see their electromagnetic energies as sort of wavy lines of energies. This looks a lot like the energy you see when you are watching an airplane taking off in a movie.

Please do not strain you eyes. Relax. You might want to let your eyes go a little out of focus while you are looking for an aura.

You may only see the aura for a few seconds, then it will disappear.

After you see that energy, you may also see or sense a color frequency, maybe two or three colors, in the aura.

After several minutes you should be able to see some sort of energy field around the person, even if you cannot determine the color.

Remember that auras change all the time according to the person's mood and environment.

As with all psychic tools, learning to read auras seems easy for some people while others need lost of practice.

The color of your aura is determined by your emotions, physical surroundings, spiritual work you are doing, items in the room, such as crystals which can magnify or change the colors of any aura.

Anything that can affect an electromagnetic field can affect a change in one's aura.

As everything that is in our reality is created from electromagnetic energy, everything has an aura - plants, animals, etc.

When you are working as a healer, you are bringing balance to the person's electromagnetic field.

You should observe the person slowly then determine if they have holes in their aura. It would look as if the EM energies had suddenly stopped.

This will tell you where there is a problem or imbalance in their physical body.

I always suggest you discuss the problem with the person first. All physical illness comes from the emotional body which created the problem in the first place.

You must find the psychological cause of the problem first, to determine if the person actually wants to be healed on an emotional and soul level. If they are they are not ready, the healing and balancing can only last for a sort time and will revert back, or manifest in another area of the body. All healing must be done on the soul level first!

You can use your hands in a slow sweeping motion over the part of the aura where the energy (chi) does not appear to flow properly.

As you move your hands across the person's aura - you should both experience some sort of change in the energy flow.

You do not touch the person--just the auric field of that person. This healing technique is know as Therapeutic Touch.

If you would like to see your own aura, find a mirror that is in a well lit room. Relax. Look at your head or head and shoulder area. Focus on one side of your head. Soon you should be able to see the electromagnetic energies as a field of light - around your head.

Do you want to feel the electromagnetic energies coming from your body? Try holding the palms of your hand facing each other - about two inches apart. Wait a few second. You will feel something. If you hands are nervous and cold, that will hamper the energies.

Once you begin to feel the sensation of electromagnetic energies between your palms, move them slowly to and fro. You will feel the movement of your aura. Look between your hands to see the electromagnetic energies, your aura.

Try moving your palms further and further apart slowly. See how far you can go before you no longer feel the 'pull'. Remember to check periodically by moving your hands slightly and slowly.

Now try pointing your fingers towards each other and feel those energies. Again move your fingertips to and fro.

You can repeat this with another person.

Aura energies are linked to colors, the chakra system,
musical tones/notes, as they all resonate to the same frequency.
Sound, light and color are all interconnected at source.

I have had fun changing my aura while taking an Aura or Kirlian Photo. Meditation or working with anything that can enhance your electromagnetic energy fields will raise your frequency and move you to a higher frequency color of light. In other words - you hold a few clear quartz crystals and meditate---> take your picture----> it will have a clear white tone unless you have a serious medical problem.

So as you see all things are connected by the flow of the electromagnetic energy fields that create our reality!

Auras may be generated in the brain

Synaesthetic woman sees colors around faces and names.

Nature - October 15, 2004

She sees colors emanating like haloes from her friends and foes. Blocks of colour form in her mind when looking at names of acquaintances, or even at words like 'love' and 'hate'. And no, she will not read your aura for a low introductory fee. She is not a charlatan, or a psychic - she's a synaesthete.

People with synaesthesia, perhaps one in 2,000 by conservative estimates, get two-for-one sensory experiences. They feel music, taste art, and often see colours around words or things. A new case study now raises the possibility that cases like this are the origin of the new-age belief in 'auras', a coloured emanation of energy that can be seen only by the spiritually in-tune.

G.W. is a young woman who sees colours around words or things only when the object has an emotional association for her. Many synaesthetes see letters as coloured, for example in the word 'love', 'l' might be green, 'o' might be cream-yellow, 'v' might be crimson, and 'e' royal blue.

But instead G.W. sees the whole word 'love' as pink or orange because it is a positive word. She sees the word 'James', or James himself, as pink for the same reason: she likes him. Her case is described by Jamie Ward, a psychologist at University College London in the latest issue of Cognitive Neuropsychology1.

"She sees as things as being coloured, out there, in space," says Ward. Sometimes a colour would be attached to a whole area because of an emotion, he explains: "She went into a room, and it was a happy party, and the room kind of took on a red tint."

Colour test

To test whether G.W.'s experiences were genuine, Ward presented her with a list of names of acquaintances and words that she said evoked colour, and asked her to note down the hue she saw. A group of control subjects was also presented with similar lists of emotionally resonant words and familiar names and asked to assign each word a colour.

After a week, G.W. relabelled 86% of the words with the same colour, while the control subjects only did so for 46% of the words. Four months later, she was still giving the same colour 76% of the time.

Another test was derived from the classic Stroop test. In this, colour words are presented in another colour. For example, 'green" might be shown in red or blue.

When reading a list of words quickly, we stumble over such words. Or, when asked to tell the colour of each word as it flashes on a screen, we trip up when one of the words is a mismatched colour word.

For G.M., these bumbling reaction times also show up for her synaesthetic words. If she sees 'James' as pink, and it is presented in blue, her reaction time goes down. This effect is subtle, and according to Ward, difficult to fake.


Synaesthesia most probably comes from a cross-wiring in the brain. Psychologist Simon Baron-Cohen of the University of Cambridge, UK, has suggested that it comes about when the densely connected infant brain does not prune itself rigorously enough as it grows.

Ward suggests that the cross-wired areas in this case are the retrosplenial cortex, which is associated with emotion, and the V4 area, which has been shown to be involved in colour perception. The two areas are close together in the brain.

Could people with this condition be the original aura-readers? GW doesn't have any interest in the occult, but others may have. "You can understand how people who have this and were born in a different age would consider themselves able to see spiritual states," says Ward. They would see the colours, and assume they were coming from the people, not from their own brains.

Richard Cytowic, neurologist from Washington DC and author of a 1970s book on synaethesia that helped legitimize it as a neurological condition, says that emotion always seems to be part of the experience of synaesthetes. "Even a phone number is described as delightful and luxurious," he says, "and mismatches like an ad in the wrong colour are like fingernails on a blackboard."

He is intrigued by the idea that synaesthesia could explain auras, but doesn't see a way to prove it. "We don't have any way of knowing," he says. "But certainly synaesthetes are perceiving things that others aren't. It's an interesting supposition. "

Ward, like many, is a bit jealous of those with synaesthesia, but the condition seems to be present from birth and impossible to learn. "The literature of aura reading - such as it is - claims that you can train yourself to read auras," says Ward. "This I do not believe. Synaesthesia is hardwired and biological."


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Ellie's Aura Photos

Reading An Aura:

It will be most beneficial for you to develop your own methods for reading auras. You should use books and charts only as a launching pad, not as set in stone rules and procedures. Don't become overly dependent on the systems of others, because what works well for some will not work as well for others. There are certain commonalities within each method and their color interpretation, so you should be able to pick and choose what works best for you.

Reading Auras
There are several guidelines or steps you should follow when you begin reading auras for other people. These range from picking out a specific location in your house for conducting spiritual work, to determining the intent of the work itself. These guidelines are not meant to restrict your abilities, but rather to enhance them. Again, you should vary these suggestions to fit your own personal requirements.

Preparation Techniques
Because thought is energy, the images you visualize are manifested or created on the ethereal (spiritual) plane. Meditation can be used to provide add focus and positive energy for the creation of these images. 'Visualized meditations' can help you protect yourself, as well as, prepare your surroundings for positive and enlightened aura readings.
There are as many methods of meditation as there are people on the planet. Choose one that feels the most comfortable for you or use one of meditations described in this book as a beginning guideline.

Selecting an Environment
Informal readings, those you do for a pet or plant, may not require or be practical for these guidelines. Formal readings, those you do for yourself or others, are typically done in a home, or alternative medicine clinic. The actual place doesn't really matter, as long as you are comfortable and feel secure and can control the energy flow in the room.
If you are the practitioner, set-up the environment to your own personal specifications. It should be fairly well lit, natural light is best, but a few well placed soft light fixtures can do just as well. The place you choose should be comfortable for you to concentrate and prepare yourself for the reading. A place where you will not be disturbed for an hour or so. And finally, it should have comfortable chairs and surroundings with little or no distractions. Choosing a room that overlooks the community playground would not necessarily be an appropriate place to perform readings.

There are many methods to prepare a room for a reading. Native American traditions use smudge sticks to replace negative energies with positive forces from the Great Spirit. Many people use select crystals arranged in specific patterns throughout the room to ward off any unwanted energies. Some people use candles and meditations, while others use a combination of these. Simply choose a method that suits your own tastes. If you are conducting a reading for a client, you should prepare the room about 15 to 30 minutes in advanced. If the reading is for yourself, prepare the room before you begin.

If you're reading for someone, you may consider taping the sessions for your client. This provides them with a record of their reading for future reference. It also, alleviates any desire the client may have to keep notes during the session. If the client is uncomfortable or is constantly taking notes, this could be distracting as you try to scan their body for information and/or problem areas.

If the reading is for yourself, tape your perceptions. Then replay the tape later on and take notes on what you saw and where. Then compare these notes to how you feel. Indicate in your documentation the accuracies and conflicts. After a few days or a week has passed, review the notes and see if anything you saw has come to pass.

If you thought you saw a faint green light around your chest, but you have no physical illness in that area. Go back a week later and review your notes. You may discover the green energy was a warning of the chest cold you have now.

Preparing Yourself
The most important step to reading an aura for someone else, is to not let your own energy get in the way of your sight. Your energy field can act as a filter and cloud the view to your subject. Depression, anger or any draining emotion can also cloud your vision.
To combat these problems, be sure you are fully energized and emotionally up beat when conducting a reading. This will strengthen your well-being and prepare your physical body for the energy it will expend during the reading. Some professional readers also recommend limiting or postponing any sessions if you have a cold or flu. The reading may rob you're body of valuable energy it needs to combat the illness.

To eliminate the filter effect of your own aura, take a few minutes before your client arrives to perform a quick visualized meditation. This will temporarily move your aura out of the way and provide you with the clear path needed to see the subject's aura.

You want to remove a much smaller amount of the filter if the reading is for yourself. You don't want the filter in front of your eyes to distort the other energy around your body. But at the same time, you don't want to move too much of your energy out of the way either. Doing so will clear your aura and you'll see nothing of value. Much like erasing a video tape before you've watched the movie.

Remember to protect yourself from the energy output of your subject. Energy is free flowing and can affect anyone or anything in it's path. So as not to take on the emotions or baggage of others, you need to learn how to protect yourself from outside energies. This is extremely important when conducting a reading for a client. Taking on the emotions of someone else is almost like being infected with a disease. This will interfere with the reading, not to mention the rest of your day.

If a client comes to you for a reading about a personal problem that has them worried or depressed, don't let their emotions rub off on you. To be sympathetic or feel empathy is to take on someone's emotions in order to understand their position . Instead of taking on this energy, protect yourself and provide them with a little compassion and understanding.

Protecting your own energy field before a reading or any time you come in contact with others, will help you ward off any unwanted feelings. But you have to be able to identify these energies in order to help your client. The caution here is not to label or judge people because of one or two colors, the shape or the clarity of color you might see in their aura. You must take a look at the entire picture to provide complete and useful information.

Preparing the Client
After you have set-up the room, the tape or whatever duties you needed to perform, allow yourself a few moments to calm down. If you're reading for a client, allow time for them to calm down and relax from the drive once they arrive. Spend a few moments in pleasant conversation. Explain what an aura is and how it can help a person decipher and address any current issues they may have.
When your comfortable with their energy level, light a small white candle to symbolize the joining of conscious minds. Imagine the flame is being lit from within your spiritual body and is reaching out to connect with your client. Begin the reading with a favorite prayer and ask your guide(s) to assist and protect you during the session.

Concluding a Session
When you have completed a reading, for yourself or for a client, be sure to ask if there are any outstanding questions. If not, close the session with a prayer of thanks to your guide(s). Then spend a few moments to think about, discuss any problem areas or review any issues that may have been identified in the reading. Injuries to the physical, mental and spiritual bodies are simply symptoms of an underlying cause. If you identify the source of the ailment you've seen in their aura, you can help to heal or avert the injury. There are many healing books available on this subject. One excellent publication is 'Heal Your Body' by Louise L. Hay from Hay House Publications.
Providing information about an aura is an admirable quality. But if no action is taken to alleviate any problem areas, then the reading is generally pointless. This is just as true for your own well being as it is for a client. When you practice reading yourself, you must set your ego aside and trust your first impressions. Don't second guess what you see, simply record it and determine it's implication to your life later on.

Other Considerations
Aura reading usually takes time to fully interpret and analyze. Helpful readings can be performed within 30 to 60 minutes. More detailed readings in the outer fringes can take longer to interpret. They are often not as strong or clear as the inner layers and therefore it may also take more time to perceive these layers, so don't give up. Just remember to practice and study other methods until you find what works for you.

Clearing the Aura
As discussed previously, your own aura can act as a filter between you and your subject. This is a brief exercise that may help you push your own aura aside and prepare you for a reading. This meditation will also help you protect yourself from your clients emotional energies.

Sit in a quiet place where you will not be disturb for 10 to 15 minutes. Sit in a chair or on the floor, but keep your back straight. If you choose to use spiritual music, begin the tape now.

Close your eyes and take in 3 deep breaths through your nose. As you do, imagine the positive white light of the universe entering your lungs and energizing your physical body. As you exhale through your mouth, imagine a gray smoke that carries with it any negativity, stress or anxiety as it exits your body. Say to yourself 'I release all stress and negative emotions to the universe, where they can be dissipated and no longer do harm to anyone'. As you take in the final breath, imagine God's energy filling your lungs with a large ball of pure protective white light.

As you return to normal breathing imagine the white ball of light beginning to grow as it mixes with your own energy. As the ball becomes larger, the positive light pushes through your organs, tissue and muscles, forcing any leftover stress out of your body and into the universe to be dispersed. Imagine the energy pushing up through your chest, neck and head. Then see the energy pushing downward, through your stomach, hips, legs and feet.

When you have imagined the light fully encompassing your entire body, push the light farther out in front of you to open a doorway through your aura. Imagine a giant pair of pure white hands opening your aura and pushing it aside like a curtain. Ask your guide(s) to help you keep the doorway open until the reading with your client has been completed.

Sit for approximately 10-15 minutes and allow God's light to energize your body and prepare you for the reading. When you are ready to end, thank God and your guide(s) for their assistance.

When you're ready, open your eyes and make any final preparations for your reading.

Click here and try some of our Aura Reading Exercises. As with anything, practice, patience with yourself and determination will all make your new sense of seeing the aura become a reality. Just don't lose faith in yourself. You can do this! Every one can.
Color Interpretations; The Meaning Of Color In Life

Life is full of color and like so many other things on your path, color also has meaning. They are representations of messages from your higher self, God, dreams, whatever the label. But you don't have to be a Metaphysician to understand the importance of color in your life. It exists in every day experiences. Many people associate the color white with God, pink with love and purple with royalty or spirituality. The following is a brief outline of primary colors and their common interpretation, but remember to use this information only as a guide.Colors generally have two meanings depending on the appearance (vibrant v. dull) and state (consistent v. spiked). Colors such as black and brown can denote the same emotion regardless of appearance.

Indicates hatred, negativity, depression and miserly. When this appears in an aura, it is usually localized or appears as wisps floating through the aura.
Can indicate fear or anger.
Vibrant Red: When seen in a clear, vibrant and constant state, it represents fear or strong anxiety.
Dull Red: Generally represents anger. The deeper the red, the stronger the emotion.
A Consistent Red: A consistent dark red indicates a violent nature, a selfish and deceitful attitude.
A Red Spike: A spike of red, either vibrant or dull in appearance, indicates the same meanings as above. However instead of representing the consistent nature of the subject, the spike indicates the sudden emotion in the current conversation or situation the subject is engaged in at that moment.
Success, creativeness, jealousy, selfishness.
It has been my experience that a person with a thin line (1-4 inches) of yellow takes on the characteristics of this color in either their personal or professional life, but not both. A yellow aura wider then 5 inches, indicates characteristics in both aspects of the subjects life.
Vibrant Yellow: Clear yellow denotes intelligence, wisdom, and success.
Dull Yellow: A dull yellow indicates jealousy, a selfishness and negative outlook.

Light Green shades, indicate the onset or potential for injury and the subject should be cautious for the next few weeks.
Darker Green shades, generally indicate the injury has already occurred and is in the process of healing.
Spiritually searching. A dissatisfaction or a feeling that there's something more.
Vibrant Blue: Pride, adoration, dedication.
A subject with any shade of the lighter blues is generally beginning their spiritual quest. (This does not mean a metaphysical quest, but rather a journey that will fill the 'missing' pieces of their current existence. This can just as easily be accomplished through any fundamental religion).
Darker blues typically indicate the subject has found their spiritual path and is continuing their education in the chosen realm.
Dull Blue: Taking life for granted, being too content, can appear to be selfish, narrow minded, arrogance, or self-righteous. There are many traits which accompany religious zeal, such as self-righteousness, dedication, pride, adoration and worship. These wide variations are usually indicated by some shade of blue.
Heightened spiritual awareness, self-esteem, and high ideals.
Light Purple: People with lighter shades of purple are refining or polishing their spiritual nature. They are actively working on the balance of each aspect of their lives (personal, spiritual, professional) , their attitudes and acceptance of others, and their existence with other life.
Mid-Dark: Teachers of their chosen spiritual path. They maybe working on a few issues of balancing, but for the most part, they are patient, kind, and willing to go out of their way for people.
Indicates purity and/or protection. When detected in the outer layers of the aura, can indicate an area of the body which has been over energized, or is over active.
The following are not primary colors, but each is associated with very strong and consistent emotions. Unlike other combination colors, these have meanings of their own and can stand on their own merits.

Pink: Affection, love, enjoyment, pity, guilt.
Vibrant Pink: Indicates love, affection and a resilient temperament.
Dull Pink: Denotes 'care with caution', pity or guilt.
Confidence, ambition, pride.
Vibrant Orange: Indicates ambition, pride, self-sufficiency.
Dull Orange: A lack of warmth, but a strong desire for success and popularity.
Selfishness, deception, confusion or discouragement.
Light Brown: Indicates confusion or discouragement. The lack of confidence in ones self, the present situation or in the subject being addressed.
Dark Brown: Indicates selfishness, fault finding, and a tendency toward deception.


AURAS by Jonathan Milne

An aura is the energy field around all each matter that takes space (excluding air itself), whether that is a person, plant, animal, or an object. Each colour represents a different aspect of that matter. Reading auras can be useful in determining whether you should confront a person at a certain time; what you can do to improve your present condition; tune you in to illnesses and conditions around you, and many other benefits. Every time you come into contact with someone, your aura reacts to his or hers. If your aura's frequency is close to theirs, you will feel close to them quickly and drawn to them. If not, you may feel an instant dislike towards them.
Everything has an aura. We have been "trained" not to see them, but with a little practice many people can successfully see and read them. Below I've listed what the different colours of auras mean, but first you should learn how to read them. When you begin, you may have a hard time seeing the colours. A lot of times, beginners will see pale colours such as white, yellow, and light blue. As time passes, and with practice, you will see that the colours seem to become brighter to you and easier to read. A little bit of patience can go a long way.

The astral aura extends about eight to twelve inches from the physical body and appears as brightly coloured rainbow clouds. The astral aura is the bridge between the physical world and the spiritual world.

The etheric template aura extends about twelve to twenty-four inches from the physical body and appears as a blue print form. There is an empty groove in the etheric aura into which the etheric aura fits. The etheric template aura holds the etheric aura in place. It is the template for the etheric dimension.

The celestial aura extends about twenty-four inches from the physical body and appears as a bright shimmering light of pastel colours. This is the level of feelings within the world of our spirit. Here we communicate with all the beings of the spiritual world.

The ketheric template aura extends about thirty six to forty eight inches from the physical body and appears as an extremely bright golden light that is rapidly pulsating. This aura takes on the form of a golden egg that surrounds and protects everything within it.

Everybody has the ability to see the aura. For beginners a low light is the best way to start.
Turn out the lights and lay on the bed. Leave the window curtains open and let the natural light flow in. As you are lying on the bed hold your hands out at full distance in front of you. Don't stare hard but rather just gaze at your hands. Moving your hands slowly, bring your fingertips together until they are almost touching. You will notice a cloudy blue haze appear around your finger. This is the etheric aura.

Draw a circle on your left hand using your right fingertip. Don't let your finger touch your hand; keep it at a distance of about a half inch. Move slowly. You will feel the power of your aura.
How to Read the Aura
First of all, find a place where you won't be around any harsh light; soft light is best to read auras. You will also need a piece of white paper large enough to place your whole hand on.
Place your hand on the cardboard and relax your eyes. Don't stare at your hand; rather look at the areas around the fingertips and fingers.
After a while, if you are relaxed enough, you will begin to see a soft haze around your hand. If you look at it long enough, you will start to see colours. Beginners can usually make out only one colour, but as you get better you will be able to see more at one time.
Don't be discouraged if you don't see anything the first few times. It takes practice to become good at reading auras, and after a while you will realize that it's not really as hard as you might have first thought.
You may also wish to take nonliving objects, like rocks and such, and try to see their auras as well. This can be very good practice for you.
Colours of Auras
The following are the more common colours:

Red--The colour of strength, strong passion, and will. Dark red may symbolize one who has a quick temper and is nervous or impulsive. All red relates to nervous tendencies.

Orange--Colour of warmth, thoughtfulness, and creativity. The muddier shades may represent pride or vanity, while golden orange denotes self-control. A person with orange in their aura may suffer from kidney ailments.

Yellow--Mental activity, optimism. It can mean new learning opportunities and wisdom. A golden yellow means that the person takes care of him or herself. Ruddy yellow may mean that its owner is shy.

Green--Green is the colour of sympathy and calm. A person who has green in his or her aura may be very good at the healing arts and is very reliable. Dark shades of green can indicate one who is jealous or uncertain.

Blue--The colour of quiet and calm. Any blue in the aura is good to have, but deep blue is the best. One with deep blue in his or her aura shows a person who has found his or her work in life. Many are spiritual minded as well. Blue may sometimes represent a tendency to be moody and depressed.

Indigo and Violet--The colours of one who is seeking something in life. They represent an ability to handle affairs with worldliness and practicality. Dark shades may show that the person has obstacles to overcome and is feeling misunderstood.

Black--The colour of protection. May reflect a person who is hiding something. It may possibly indicate imbalances as well.
Here are some other colours that may be seen within the aura:

Pink--This is the colour of love. It represents compassion, and possibly a love of art and beauty. Darker or muddier shades of pink may point to an individual who is immature.

White--Many times this is one of the first colours you will see in an aura. However, when it is a true and strong colour of the aura, it reflects purity and truth.

Brown--This could reflect a person who is very "earthy" and that a person is establishing new roots. However, if it is seen in the chakras, it may mean that a person's energy is in some way being blocked.

Silver Lights or Twinkles--Seeing these in a person's aura may mean that they are pregnant, or have been or may soon be. However, this is not always so. Seeing this may indicate a person who is allowing great creativity in their life.

Black Spots--The presence of black spots in the aura may indicate that it is imbalanced in some areas. This may mean that the person has some negative habits that he or she should work on.

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