Monday, October 15, 2012

Candle magick spells and prayers

Yule prayer

The night or day before Yule say:

We have passed through the time of
Darkness. The Goddess has carried us gently. I
Now welcome the newborn Sun child.
May his birth bring good cheer to all the world!
May this yule log (or candles three) bring him
Strength and comfort.
Blessed Be!

Light three white or yellow candles or a yule log with three candles. Let
the three candles burn 'til dawn or until they burn out. At dawn first light
a black then red then white candle and say:

Blessed be the Great Mother who is at
Once Maid, Mother, and Crone. Blessed is she,
Creatrix of allthings Great and small.
Now begins the cycle again.

Let the candles burn out.

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