Tuesday, October 16, 2012

From the magickial to the mundane

From the magickial to the mundane, our lives are filled with hope! Hope for a better future, for a better job, better behaving kids, better day! Whatever the need, we keep hope in our hope. What if I told you that feeling is what will change your life. I was watching an unbelievable video by my favorite “Writer, Gregg Braden.”

I hadn't thought much about the darkness as a whole. As a child before the age in which we stop believing in things that go bump in the night, I had thought of it as a dangerous place, and sometimes it seams that way. What if that scary darkness was only so because we felt that it was. Well that is real. We control our environment through feeling, not thought or deed or even ego, Just heart felt feelings. But here is the hard part, First you have to be void of judgment. Then let go of the outcome. And lastly see it as already happened. For many people at least one step if not all three are impossible, and for you out there like that, I am sorry to say your life will be a roller coaster of maybe someday. I am choosing to get off that roller coaster today.
My husband who is an activist, feels the election is set, fated as you will. He see the election as going to Mitt Romney. Not because of the people voting will necessary vote that way but because of something he said. He feels one of three things will happen. One, the votes will be tampered with, Romney has access to friends who made them. Two, he will in some way persuade the masses we need him, hubby things by blowing up something here. Or three, man I hope the president has made provisions of him thinking that way but here goes, Romney maybe pulling another JFK incident. I pray that non is true. However I have resigned myself to whatever happens is was decided by the masses collaboration whether it was planned of simply felt. Still I hope my vote for our race having a chance free from Mitt's ideals. I know that even the non thinking masses would want better for them selves than a fast talking salesman who sells you down the river.

All I can say is America wake up, we are standing at the edge of a great drop cliff. We can give one last shove and we all fall over, or, we can back up a few steps and turn around. Those wishing the end of a middle class and the reestablishment of slavery (and I am talking all but the rich as slaves) step forward, vote for Mitt, and we all go over. Those that wish for a new start, free from big business running your life and wanting you to beg for scraps step back with me, vote for Barack and lets get busy rebuilding from the ground up. God knows nothing is working anymore, healthcare is a joke, our schools still teach things we have proven untrue, plus the environment in which we teach is outdated, Then there is those money grubbing power companies and especially banks that grab you like a owl grabs it's prey, softly at first until it has you in it's clutches then tortures you until it has no other use for you and it offers a blessed end. Stand up and vote what your family needs you to, not a stack of ever evolving lies. I have hope for America, do you?

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