Sunday, October 21, 2012

Moon Magick

Lunar Cycles

Your "lunar high" occurs when the Moon is in the same sign as your natal Sun
If you are a Sagittarius, for example, your lunar high will occur when the
Moon is in Sagittarius. The result would be a time of inspiration, when new
ventures could be successfully implemented. It is a day when you are most
emotionally like your Sun sign. It is a day when your thinking is most

Your "lunar low" occurs when the Moon is in the sign opposite your natal Sun
If you are a Taurus, your lunar low would occur when the Moon is in
Scorpio. Since you are least sure of your decisions on this day, try to
postpone major decisions. You will run into opposition in whatever you may
start. This is, however, a good day to exchange ideas since you are much
more aware of other people. You may feel restless and will want to keep
busy. Plan constructive (but not demanding) projects.

If you know the sign and degree of the Moon at the time of your birth, you
can determine your "lunar birthday"--when the transiting Moon is conjunct
(in the same sign as your natal Moon). If your natal Moon is in Gemini,
your lunar birthday is when the Moon is in Gemini. This is a time when you
respond rather than initiate. You might be absorbed in feelings and
sensations. You will often want to be in the company of women on this day.

If you know the position of your natal planets, you can plot the Moon's
passage over these points.

Mercury: A good day for ideas and communications.

Venus: Go out and have a good time.

Mars: Work hard. You may be irritating or irritated.

Jupiter: Don't overindulge. You feel optimistic and self-confident.

Saturn: Look into yourself. You are realistic and feeling serious today.

Uranus: Surprises and excitement. A good day to explore and experiment.

Neptune: You are very emotional. You may forget things and feel lost.

Pluto: You want to be alone.

*********  Planting by the moonPlant, transplant, and graft: Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces. Taurus, Virgo,and Capricorn are good second choices.

Build/fix fences or garden beds: Capricorn.

Control insect pests, plow, and weed: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, or Aquarius.

Prune: Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius. During a waxing Moon, pruning encourages growth; during a waning Moon, it discourages growth.

                    Clean out the garden shed: Virgo.

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