Monday, October 15, 2012

How to Cast Rune Stones By Susan Sosbe

For the most part, everyone who reads a rune cast may do it differently.
What works for one may not work for another. Or one may find it difficult to
Do an in-depth reading. The following five rune cross reading is a method
That is moderately challenging, but gives more accurate and in-depth
Guidance than a simple "yes" or "no" reading.
.Difficulty: Moderately Challenging
Instructions.Things You'll Need:
Rune cloth
Firm surface
30-60 minutes of undisturbed free time

The Five Rune Cross Reading

Lay down your rune cloth on a firm surface with the corners pointing to each
Direction (north, south, east and west). Cast the runes randomly on your
Rune cloth. You will want to turn over any that are face up. All your runes
Should now be face down.

Gently mix up the runes with your right hand. Visualize feeding your runes
Your energy. This helps you to be more "in tune" with your reading.

Place your right hand about an inch or two above your runes. Without
Touching them, slowly sweep your hand over your rune cast. You should feel
The runes give off a certain energy. It may feel like a tingling feeling or
A hot spot in the palm of your hand.

If you come across a rune that seems to be giving off more energy than
Others, pick it up and place it, still upside down, slightly away from the
Other runes. You still want to keep them on the rune cloth, but you want
Them far enough away so as not to get mixed up with the others. Your first
Rune is the rune of past influences.

Sweep your hand over the runes again and select another rune in the same
Fashion. Place this beside the first rune. This is the rune of the present.

Repeat Step 4 again and place this rune next to your second rune. This will
Be your outcome rune. You should now have three runes in a horizontal line.

Repeat Step 4 two more times and place the first rune above your middle rune
And the other below your middle rune. The top rune will indicate areas that
You may expect to receive help in the situation. The bottom rune is
Indicative of matters that will either hinder the outcome or situations that
Can not be changed.

Turn your runes over as if you were turning the page of a book. The position
They are lying in will effect the reading, be they upright or reversed. A
Reversed position (upside down) usually indicates the opposite of the
Meaning of an upright rune.

Now read the runes in the order that they were placed on the cloth

Before I ever cast runes I would smudge my area with grandfather sage with
Sweet grass little tobacco and pinch cinnamon.
The do a shielding around me and some times ask a Pacific deity or guarded
Guardian to help me with the reading .

Also remember that your rune stone can be made any stone or wood item such
As oak even the sky the limit whatever draws you is what you should make
Stone from.

I also charged with stones during full moon

Ask the goddess to bless them. Rune stones and highly inspirational and very

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