Sunday, October 21, 2012

Hydromancy -- Water Magic

Hydromancy is an ancient form of divination that goes back thousands of years  And involves the use of water to bring messages. Water is a metaphor of Creation linked to the flow of the collective unconsciousness.

Ancients would sit by a calm body of water and watch its flowing motion create Patterns that they would interpret. Often a spirit would appear within the water And bring a telepathic message.

Nostradamus practiced Hydromancy as a means of receiving messages and Predictions, through the movement of water in a bowl. He recorded what he saw, Combined with psychic messages, with amazing accuracy. Unfortunatley most were Too cryptic, as we still reference his quatrains to this very day, tyring to Figure them out as if encoded messages.

The more you learn to focus your mind while gazing into the water, the more Quickly you open yourself up to receiving messages and understanding their Meaning as most messages are cryptic.


Hydromancy is best done on a calm day alongside a body of water, such as a Stream or lake, where you will gaze. Sit down. Relax and look within this Natural body of water. Wait and observe. You can also drop a pebble in the water And read the ripples as they form. You might see an image appear in movement as Water is always in transition, a metaphor for the flow of our reality. Some  People prefer to gaze into water at night in the light of a full moon as lunar Energies are linked to the goddess.Ah water, the symbol of our emotions.

Water Imbibes all life forms and in us we flow with the "tide" of our feelings. It Involves intuition, insight, conception and pregnancy, fertility, the womb,  Health, beauty and divination. A low water person would appear as a cold Calculating one, one who is indifferemt and unresponsive. On the other hand, a  High water person may seem as though at the slightest touch the well is
opened And can be over emotional and over dramatic in all areas of life. A good
balance Of water here is needed to keep the flow running smoothly.

Its feelings are cold moisture, its season is Fall, direction is West/ Emotion And its colors are Blue, Light Grays, Sea Greens and Whites.The symbols are the Cup or chalice. The Moon phase is the Full Moon and its time is Dusk.

Some Water Magick can involve the use of the beach and its sand, shells, animals And seawater. Especially good for love spells and too, when you need to "get a Grip" or clarify your own emotions. The use of shells in the practice is widely Used. These can hold appropriate herbs or be used as a symbol of Water Magick.

One old tradition is using that of well water. A lot of gems and stones are Exposed to this for a period of time and used at night, in full moon or the Waxing phases, for Water Magick. Be careful though to know your stones, as some Do not react well in water for long periods of time. This type of magick can Give you insights to how others think of you, what others are doing and how well They are and to find the truth within yourself. Be careful when using this type Also, if there is an intent of maliciousness or control of another, all you will  Get is a reflection back unto yourself.

Water spells can involve the use of Scrying bowls. This is a bowl of clean or Colored water in which you are able to "see" the future and future events or get A clear direction on decisions. Widely used in certain meditations and Visualizations.

Find a quiet area, free of distraction, as you will have to focus your mind.

Select a bowl in which you will place the water. It should not have a pattern on It.

Singing crystal bowls used for harmonics, may be used, but please be careful not To harm the bowl, as most are attuned for other purposes.

Otherwise, select a large, deep bowl made from glass, brass or silver. It must  Have a smooth and even rim. You may have to change bowls several times to find The right one for you. Remember, metal bowls carry harmonic frequencies.

Set the bowl in a dry level space, one in which you can easily observe. The water used can be bottled, from a well, a tap, or a stream. It can also be Stored and used at a future time to water scry again.

Water with great energy is often thought to be collected by the light of a full Moon or after standing in the sun.

Simple Technique
Place a cauldron of water on a flat clear surface. Gaze into the still water and Focus your mind until images appear.

Using Your Wand
Dip the end of the wand into the water until it becomes wet. Wet the rims of the bowl. By gently drawing the rim of the wand around the bowl it will cause it to resonate. The action of the resonating basin will cause circular ripples to form in the basin. The water may seem to breathe with the sounds.

Using a well

With this one you will need an old well, a mirror and some time.
Bend over backwards and gaze into a mirror to see the water below you. watch closly while opening your mind to the future, Ask a question you would like to know then stare into the mirror until your answer is shown. This practive is very old and may require many attempts until you master it.

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