Sunday, October 14, 2012

job spells


Green candle to represent job/good luck
Good Luck/Job Oil: allspice, cinnamon, sage, dill, mix with base oil
Banishing/Exorcism Oil: cloves, garlic, basil mixed with base oil
Black or dark candle to represent obstacles
Small jar to be filled with nutmeg, Tiger's eye stone, thyme, rune or some other symbol of good
fortune and a piece on paper on which you have written the description of your perfect job.
Casting the Circle
The East, the Wind
Positive forces, I call you in
The South, the Fire
Aid this night in my desire
The West, the Water
I conjure my need into matter
The North, the Grove
Bring your gifts, I make it so
The Center, the Force
I call you to open your doors
I conjure thee, O circle of Power
That you might be for me a boundary between the world of men and the realm of the mighty spirits.
A place of joy, love and trust to contain the power I will raise herein
I have called upon the protectors of the East, South, West and North
to aid me in the construction of this circle
In the name of the Horned Lord and Radiant Lady
Thus do I conjure thee, great circle of power! This circle is sealed.
Invocation to the Goddess
Great Goddess
I ask you to join me tonight
at the waxing of the moon's powers
to assist me in my rite
Tonight, I ask for guidance, for luck,
for success in finding a new and better job
Guide me, protect me, help me
I, your priest/ess, ask this of you
So mote it be!
Great God
I ask you to join me tonight
at the waxing of the moon's powers
to assist me in my rite
Tonight, I ask for guidance, for luck,
for success in finding a new and better job
Guide me, protect me, help me
I, your priest/ess, ask this of you
So mote it be!
The Spell to gain a Job......
Anoint the black candle with banishing/exorcism oil and light the candle while
visualizing all of your obstacles falling away
"Bad luck flees Obstacles fall
My path is clear Heed my call!"
Anoint the green candle with employment/luck oil
"Good luck is mine and prosperity
Help me Great Ones come to me
Opportunity and rewards I see
As I will, so mote it be!"
Meditate on the job you want as you gaze into the candle's flame.
Still in the circle, fill your good luck jar with the herbs, stone, note and piece of paper
with the fortune rune inscribed on it. Seal the jar with these words:
"Earth-born stone of brilliant hue
Your energy makes my dreams come true
Hearken to my deep desire
amidst the candle's radiant fire
Herbs of luck, prosperity
heed my call and bring to me
a better job, new opportunity
As I will, so mote it be!"
Shake the jar, seal it with a kiss and place it back on the altar.
Ground and center. Thank the God and Goddess. Close the circle
Each morning after, hold the jar while saying (or thinking),
"God and Goddess Hear as I pray
Let good fortune come my way
send me luck, prosperity in my job search
so mote it be!"
Shake the jar a few times, seal it with a kiss and replace it on the altar.


New Job Spell

Goddess Candle God Candle Incense Green Candle Good Luck Oil
Black Candle Banishing Oil Petitioner Candle
Build your altar. Place the Petitioner candle beneath the Goddess
candle and place the green and black candles beneath the God candle.
Light the incense. Anoint the black candle with banishing oil and say,
" empower this candle to absorb all negative forces acting upon me.
As this candle burns, let it's powers engulf all obstacles in my way,
leaving my path clear for success."
Light the black candle. Anoint green candle with good luck oil and say,
"I empower this candle to bring me good luck, prosperity and success
in acquiring a new and better job. As this candle burns, so might it
be a beacon for good fortune and prosperity." Light the green candle.
You need not anoint the petitioner candle, but focus strongly on this person
(if it is yourself, see yourself in your new job) as you light it, saying,
"As this candle represents {name}, let it be a beacon for positive forces and energies.
As this candle burns bright, so does the light of {names}'s heart burn bright with ambition
and desire for a new, better job."
Concentrate firmly, directing your power to the petitioner candle, which is receiving the
energy from the green candle that is burning. After ten minutes or so of concentration,
extinguish the candles in the reverse order in which you lit them. Each day, repeat the spell,
moving the green candle two inches closer to the petitioner.
Your spell is complete when the two candles touch.



1 green candle
1 orange candle
1 yellow or gold candle
some ground or whole cloves
1 small tigers eye stone
On your altar set up the three candles in a circle, with the green candle nearest you.
Spend a moment centering and concentrating on your goal.
When you are ready, start lighting the candles, starting with the green one and moving
clockwise around the circle. As you light the green candle focus on its qualities of prosperity
and abundance, qualities you want drawn to you through the job you hope to secure.
Make a statement to affirm this such as:
"Fire of green, abundance bright, drawing prosperity by your light."
As you light the orange candle focus on its qualities of attraction, particularly between forces
that are already in sympathy with one another.
Make a statement such as:
"Simpatico permeates the meeting place, making me seem an interesting face."
As you light the yellow or gold candle think on its qualities of projecting energy and competence,
allowing you to show your best side.
Make a statement such as:
"from deep within my positives come through, debits hole back while credits shine through."
Place the tigers eye in the center of the candles and spend several minutes sensing the
energy of the candles filling the stone, programming it to your will.
Take the cloves (an herb with energies corresponding to wealth and employment) and
make a clockwise circle around the candles.
Visualize this as a circle containing all the energies on your altar, helping to filter them into
the tigers eye. Spend some more time focusing on you goal.
You can help to focus these energies with a chant such as:
"Stone of light, earth and fire, send the image that says "please hire"."
Extinguish the candles when you are ready or leave them sit so you can repeat the spell
on another night to give it added strength. When you're done carry the tigers eye on the
projective side (right side) of your body during interviews.

Timing: Moon in Virgo. Spring and summer when foliage is lush and green.
Sunday afternoons (when want ads come out for the following week). The month of April.
Cut out the want ads that appeal to you most.
Clip four, six, or thirteen of them, making notes to use later for your calls.
Next, tie these together with a long string.
To this bundle attach a silver coin or piece of tin, then place it across the table from you.
Burn a green candle rubbed with ginger (energy and prosperity) and visualize getting a call
from a prospective employer.
As this vision becomes clear in your mind, draw the string and bundle towards you, saying:
"My goal is sure, my need is strong, help me find where I belong.
To meet my needs, employment I seek, bring the success by the end of the week."
When the paper reaches your hand, keep the tin to carry, then set the paper aflame.
This releases the energy before inquiries begin.
Success with this spell includes getting solid leads, landing interviews and receiving call backs.
If sales prospects have been slow, an old European spell says that carrying kelp with you or
washing floors with it draws prosperity.
This is especially good for owners to encourage increased traffic.
To these efforts add a verbal component such as
"Fortune turn you head this way, bring abundant ________ today".
Fill in the bland with a suitable term such as "clients," "leads," or "customers".
This spell also helps with job advancement. in this case, keep the kelp or something
green as accomponent but change the incantation to match the circumstances.
For example:
"God/dess let my talents shine,
where hard work and faith combine,
this promotion will be mine."

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