Sunday, October 21, 2012

One of my favorites from Barbara Morris

New Moon Smudging

The New Moon is a perfect time to clear out old stale or negative energies.
Although most well known in Native American cultures, Smudging and the
burning of sacred herbs belongs to many spiritual cultures. Burning of these
hallowed herbs for the purpose of cleansing and sending out prayers is

On the New moon, open all doors & windows of space to be cleared, the old
stuff HAS to have a place to go.

You will need:
Smudging herbs like White Sage, Cedar or Sweetgrass
A small ceramic, stone bowl or heavy sea shell
Charcoal tab
White Candle (optional)

1. Light the end of your charcoal tab and let it burn for a few minutes.
Sprinkle the herbs on charcoal, you may need to fan the flames with a
feather or your hand.
2. Call on the spirits of the smudge to cleanse and protect you, saying:
Sacred herbs, remove all negativity from my heart; cleanse me, bless me."
3. First waft the smoke towards your heart. Hold the vessel away from you
and use the feather to waft the smoke towards you. Then take the smudge
smoke over your head, down your arms and down the front of your body.
Imagine the smoke lifting away all the negative thoughts, emotions and
energies that have attached themselves to you.
4. Now bring the smoke down the back of your body towards the ground.
Visualize the last remains of negativity being taken back into the earth,
away into the air.
5. Go through each room and in clockwise fashion circle and waft the smoke
about, seeing it exit the window or door, along with any "bad" energy.
Chanting "Sacred herbs, remove all negativity from my home, cleanse my home,
bless my home."

End at your front door and sprinkle a bit of your unburned herbs to
Welcome positive spirits to your home. A white candle can be used
During this "cleansing" by keeping it lit in the center of the home or space

By: Barbara Morris

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