Monday, October 15, 2012

Opening the Chakras and closing them

Opening the Chakras
Before you begin any sort of magickal work (healing, balancing others, casting, summoning, etc.) you must have your Chakras open if you wish to accomplish anything. Power can only flow to your target if all 7 of your Chakras are completely open. Should one or more be closed you risk bringing damage to yourself when all the energy you've drawn is held back. I can't stress enough the importance of ensuring your Chakras are open before you draw power.

Opening the Chakras is simple in practice. All you have to do is focus your intent on each and imagine a hole appearing on both the top and the bottom of the sphere so the Chakra looks a bit like a bead. The energy you draw from various sources will pass through these holes.

Picture the Chakras in the following order, location, and colour as you do this:

Groin - a bloody red

Stomach- a sort of burnt orange

Solar Plexus- a bright yellow

Chest- a glowing green

Throat- a light blue

Third eye- a deep purple

About a foot above the head- a glaring white

Closing the Chakras

Our Earthly vessels aren't designed to have a huge amount of power flowing through them continuously. That's why it's vital you only keep your Chakras open for short periods of time. Once you've completed a spell or magickal task immediately close them down.

To close them simply focus on them in the same manner as above. Only this time start with the Chakra above the head and finish with the one at the groin. And as you do so imagine the holes closing up.

With only a little practice you'll know whether your Chakras are open or closed simply by feel. Starting out, however, I'd suggest using a pendulum to check.

Balancing the Chakras

Too live a fulfilling life you must ensure your Chakras are balanced. This can be done at absolutely any time. It's impossible to over-balance your system=) Many fall to our poor Western training and wait until an aspect of their lives has gone berserk before applying maintenance. A better method is to balance the Chakras on a regular basis (at least once a day for 30 minutes).

To balance your Chakras lay on your back and place an object of the appropriate colour in the proper location. Though crystals tend to be the usual choice (due to their vibrational aid), any object will do providing it's the right colour (I've used coloured paper in pinches). Once you have the objects in the right locations open the Chakras and feel healing Universal energy flow into and through each one.

After 30 minutes close your Chakras. You should feel a huge difference physically, mentally and emotionally.

Should you want to see exactly where you're at use a pendulum to determine the percentage of each Chakra. If your percentage is low in one or more it's better to wait a few hours and repeat the balancing technique than to try and force the results you want in one session. If you've really let your Chakras go, it could take many sessions to get your whole system up to 100%

Chakra Energy Determiner
I mentioned there are two mainline thoughts on when to use Chakra balancing. On one end of the pole there are those who leave their Chakras alone until all hell breaks loose in one or more areas of their lives. On the opposite end are those who balance on a regular basis. There is a third road you can choose. You can check the energy levels of your Chakras as you see fit, and balance only when you feel they're too low. This middle road may be more appealing to those who want to feel more in control or those who don't feel they've got the time to spare for regular sessions.

This is how you can use a pack of Tarot cards (or playing cards for that matter) to monitor the level of energy in each Chakra:

Select any suit from the deck and put aside the courts

Focus on the Chakra you wish to know about (I suggest always checking all 7 at the same time because one may be affecting another)

Mentally or verbally ask, "What percentage of energy do I have in this Chakra?"

Shuffle the 10 cards

Add a 0 to the number you draw to get the percentage.

At this stage you may elect to do nothing, balance the low energised Chakra/s, or balance all 7. If you choose to do any work and you want to see the new level:

shuffle the number you drew with all the cards of higher sequential order that remain

Focus on the Chakra in question and draw a card

Make sure to close all the Chakras down when you're finished.

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