Monday, October 15, 2012

Plant Magick

ASH--If the first paring of a child's nails be buried under this tree,
They will become a superb singer.

ASTER--associated with Venus, burning aster will drive away serpents

BAY TREE--For pleasant dreams, put some bay leaves under your pillow.
Throw some of the leaves in a fire; if they crackle loudly it is a good omen

BIRCH--considered to be efficacious against evil spirits, and are used
In "besom brooms" to get rid of witches

CALENDINE--If any man shall have this herb, with the heart of a mole,
He shall overcome all his enemies, and all matters in suit, and shall
Put away all debate. If the before named herb be put upon the head of a sick
man, if he should die, he shall sing anon with a loud voice, if
Not he shall weep.

CARNATION--has medicinal properties, a lucky flower

CENTAURY--good against bleeding and fevers, has hallucinogenic

CHRISTMAS ROSE--sprinkle pieces of this plant in front of you to ensure

CLINQUEFOIL--five fingered leaves=five senses, flying ointments are
Heavily laden with the leaves

CLOVER--the first leaf means happiness, the second brings health, the
Third indicates wealth, the fourth means love, a fifth leaf assures
Long life, the sixth signifies riches beyond counting, a seventh
Assures eternal happiness.

DAFFODIL--of the planet Saturn, the juice is good against pain of the
Reins and legs; let those who suffer pain of the bladder eat it, the
Root of it being a little boiled. If children that breed their teeth
Bear it about them, they shall breed them without pain.

DAISY--If a girl, eyes closed plucks a handful of grass, the number of
Daisies in the bunch reveals the number of months she will remain

DANDELION--You can tell time by blowing away the seed heads. The hour
Is as many puffs as it takes to blow it all away.

ELDER--burning of it is supposed to bring bad luck, a charm against

ELM--lightning will not strike an elm tree

ENDIVE--commonly used in love potions

ERGOT--(fungus on rye) relieves labor pains

FERN--unlucky to bring one in the house, a charm against witches. Fern
Seed, gathered on Midsummer Eve, has magickal powers; it can make the
Person invisible.

FORGET-ME-NOT--sign of true friendship, often exchanged on February
29th, said to have miraculous curative properties

GROUND IVY--releives constricted tissues, a sin, muscle cramps and
Asthma. Prevents drunkenness, a symbol of faithfulness. If you put nine
leaves under your pillow on Samhain you will dream of your lover.

HAZEL--the twigs of this tree are popular as divining rods. If you
Weave the twigs into a crown, put it on your head and wish hard enough, you
will get your wish.

HENBANE--Intensifies clairvoyance and enables you to conjure spirits.
Of the planet Jupiter. The root of it, put on boils, heals them and
Keeps the place from an inflammation of blood. Profitable against the
Gout in the feet when it is brayed. If the juice of it be drunken with
Honey or with wine and honey boiled together, it is profitable against
Grief of the liver. It is profitable to them that would do often the
Act of generation; and to them that desire to be loved of women.

HOLLY--defends the house from witchcraft and lightning

LAVENDER--lucky to grow and have in the house. The odor is said to be
Conductive to long life and is also associated with affection.

MANDRAKE--spells of a sexual origin; green berries energize charms
Designed to arouse passion or produce pregnancy; gnarled root in
Potions to restore virility.

MAPLE--many people believe that long life is conferred on children who
Are passed through its branches

MIMOSA--a lucky flower, and a charm against the evil eye

MISTLETOE--a good luck bringer, and a driver-away of evil spirits

MONKSHOOD--disturbs the rhythms of the heart

MYRTLE--if it grows on each side of the house, there will be peace and
Love inside, sacred to Venus

NIGHTSHADES--the juice of the berries when rubbed on the skin creates
Tremors, it can also distort vision

OAK--It is regarded as sacrilege to mutilate the oak, and unlucky to
Cut it down. Acorns, the symbol of immortality, are often carried for
Good luck and against illness.

OPIUM POPPY--passion, inhibiting, sends man into a deep forgetful sleep

PARSLEY--induce abortion

PEACHTREE--dedicated to Venus, its branches are said to be powerful
Against witches and the devil

PEONY--a lucky flower to grow, it protects the house from witches and
evil spirits

PERIWINKLE--powdered with earthworms and served with meat to ignite

PURPLE-BELLIED FOXGLOVE--helps control heart disease; lethal when
ingested in quantities

ROSE--used to entice a reluctant suitor; associated with Venus and
love; symbol of joy some believe that burning petals brings good luck

ROSEMARY--symbol of friendship; to induce sound sleep, put a sprig
under the pillow

ROWAN--considered a powerful protector against evil. Witches have no
power where there is rowan tree, wood, leaves or berries

VERVAIN--pain killer; harrens the body against agonies of torture and
fire; the root of this herb put upon the neck heals the swine pox,
heals also cuts and swelling of the anus; if the juice be drunken with
honey and water sodden, it dissolves those things which are in the
lungs or lights; it makes a good breath, for it saves and keeps the
lungs and the lights; it is also of great strength in venereal past times;
if any man put it in his house or vineyard or in the ground he shall have
abundant revenues or yearly profits; the root of it is good to all those who
plant vineyards or trees; infants bearing it shall be very apt to learn, and
loving learning and they shall be glad and joyous.

WALNUT TREE--the branches are said to protect the house from lightning, and
the walnut is alleged to cure rheumatism

WILD CELERY--(smallage) root prevents against muscle cramps

WILD TEASEL--take this herb, and temper it with the juice of the
mandrake, and give it to a bitch or to another beast and it shall be
great with a young one in the own kind

WITCH HAZEL--divining to find riches

YEW--protection over death

REPELLING PLANTS: mullein, rowan, angelica, betony, dill, mugwort,

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