Sunday, October 14, 2012


Take a white candle and some anointing oil. Depending on the desired result, you should have
chosen an oil which corresponds to this end. At the time of the full moon, cast a circle or just
shut yourself away from all distractions and with the moon shining on your working area
(If possible. If this is not possible, just visualize the moon.)
Place the white candle (preferably a taper) on the altar with the oil. Cast the circle if you wish.
Call the Goddess if it feels right. Anoint the candle.
Should you wish, you can use an Athame to engrave the candle with the spell itself.
While you anoint the candle with the oil, speak these words out loud or silently:
Tonight the moon, Tomorrow the sun.
Let this power build till my will be done.
Candle burn down to send my will.
This spell be cast, for good, not ill
Once you have anointed the candle, place it in a safe place so it can burn down
completely, preferably in sight of the moon.

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