Sunday, October 21, 2012


Bast of beauty and of grace,
Protectress of the feline race,
Shield (name of pet) from all hurt and harm
And keep him/her always safe and warm.
Watch over (name of pet) from day to day
And guide him/her home if he/she should stray.
And grant him/her much happiness
And a good life free of strife and stress.


Blessing for an Autumn Fire

When the hills of my valley blaze with autumn color, I know it's time
to ready my woodstove for the winter season. If you have a fireplace
or wood stove, it's a good idea to perform a blessing ritual as you
light the season's first fire, especially if you perform fire magic.
Ready the wood and ignite the fire using the flame of a white or
orange candle as you recite this blessing:

Ancient fire,
Burn safely and bright.
Favor me with warmth and light.
Creator of the magical Jinn,
Welcome to my hearth again.
Outside nature dies,
And the world grows dark.
Warm me forever with your spark.

As a purifying offering, sprinkle a bit of salt on the flames. Sit by
the fire and meditate or divine by the flames. Most of all enjoy the
season's first fire.

By: James Kambos


Faerie Blessing

Could your home use a blessing from the fairies? Give this flash spell a try!
Plant PRIMROSES by your doorstep. Fill a SMALL SPRAYER with SPRING WATER and 4 drops each of: MUGWORT, BENZOIN and BASIL. Lightly SPRITZ the PRIMROSES during the FULL MOON.

If you have no where to plant primroses - lay a cut bouquet on your doorstep, Spritz it and leave overnight.
Kitchen Blessing for the Full Moon

Goddess, Mother, the end and the beginning,
the dusk and the dawn, we celebrate you!
Bless us tonight as we gather in love,
watch over us with compassion,
and fill us with your grace.
Accept our thanksgiving as we lift up
our hearts in joy! Blessed Be!
During the full moon, celebrate!

A roasted turkey, baked salmon, egg dishes, and bowls of steaming
pasta topped with garlicky shrimp or roasted vegetables and pine nuts
are all perfect choices to revel in the full moon's energy. Choose
foods for love that are sumptuous and seductive, and spices that are
warm and sensuous.

Moon vegetables such as mushrooms, potatoes, cabbage, and snowy
cauliflower should be prepared with creamy sauces spiked with
caraway, or tarragon, or paired with basil and juicy tomatoes, the
fruit of love.

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