Sunday, October 21, 2012


Clean a wide-mouthed jar or bowl that's wide & deep. Add stones, crystals
And sea shells to the bowl as well. Set it outside during a rainstorm. When
Bowl is full, remove stones & crystals. Strain Rainwater through a coffee
Filter and transfer water to special bottles sealed with a tight lid, or cap
Label each bottle as to the contents, the Moon phase & date it was collected
Take them to your altar. Leave the bottles there until the Full moon.On
the Night of the full moon, place nine white candles in the same crystal bowl
That you collected your rain ( dried out of course) and filled with salt ( I
Use sea salt )about 1/3 full, place candles to forma circle on your altar,
With the bottles of water inside the circle. . Light the candles . Burn a
Smudge stick or frankincense incense and wave the smoke over the bottles to
Further purify them, and chant nine times;

" Full Moon Goddess anoint this rain,
Power and goodness it shall gain. "

Leave candles burning until they are spent. This sacred water can be used
For sprinkling the four corners ,around the edges of ritual circles,
Blessing & cleansing of tools, stones, and in other spell workings. If you
Don't use the water within a year, pour it into your plants.

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