Thursday, October 18, 2012

Starting the Yule time gifts

Peppermint Body Butter

Peppermint relieves many respiratory problems including nasal congestion, sinusitis, asthma, bronchitis, colds, and cough. It also relieves stress, pain, and is an immune system booster. These facts make it a welcomed parent to anyone on your list.

1/2 cup aloe vera gel
1 1/2 Tablespoon cornstarch
1 Tablespoon witch hazel
1 Teaspoon Vitamin E oil
 5-6 drops peppermint e.o.

Mix the aloe, cornstarch and witch Hazel in a microwave-safe bowl. Microwave for 1-2 minutes, stirring at 30 second intervals to incorporate. Cook until this mixture becomes clear and thick. Now add your e.o, and peppermint oil. Mix well. Store in an air-tight container and label.


Lavendar and Rose Massage oil

1/4 cup lavender
1/4 cup rose geranium petals
1 cup apricot oil

Place the petals in a wide necked glass jar. Warm the apricot oil in a
saucepan on a low heat, then pour over the petals and seal the jar. Leave in
a warm spot for two weeks, shaking the jar each day. Once again, pour oil
into a saucepan and gently warm it up over a low heat. Strain the oil
through muslin and discard the petals. Pour into bottles and seal.
Easy remake of this is same ampount of oil but simply add 10 drops rose geranium essential oil and 10 drops Lavender essential oil.


Spring Goddess annointing oil or perfume

Add the following to a base of 2 tablespoons olive oil.

1 drop cedar oil
6 drops lavender oil
3 drops rosemary oil
3 drops cypress oil
4 drops vanilla oil
1 drop patchouli oil (optional, because it's strong!)

Seal tightly in a dark glass vial until ready to use


Insomnia Blend

30 drops Lavender
20 drops Marjoram (This eo is one of the best for insomnia)
10 drops Mandarin
2 oz base oil like sweet almond oil

Put in very small vials like Amber Euro Glass Bottle 5 ml w/ Dropper Cap.

To use
Place 2 drops on the edge of your pillowcase


Evening Massage blend

2 oz. carrier oil
10 drops Marjoram essential oil
10 drops Chamomile essential oil
4 drops Clary Sage essential oil
4 dropsCoriander essential oil
4 dropsCypress essential oil
4 drops Ylang Ylang essential oil
Mix and Massage as needed


Homemade Baby oil

2 oz. Sweet Almond oil
2 drops Roman Chamomile essential oil
6 drops Lavender essential oil

For baby massage or diaper area


A Balm For Abundance ( a wonderful gift for all your wiccan or pagan friends)

General Uses - Improving finances.
Increasing ideas or creativity. Spiritual growth. Flourishing magical gardens.
Timing -Generally during the waxing to full moon. During moon signs of Taurus,
Cancer, Virgo, or Pisces. Spring (specifically April and May).

To make a useful balm, blend a small jar of cold cream together with the following
2 drops of green food coloring
2 teaspoons rosewater
1 teaspoon almond extract
1/4 teaspoon powdered clove
1 teaspoon mint extract
1 tablespoon of honey

Beat the ingredients until well incorporated, always stirring clockwise
for growing, positive energy. Chant while you stir:

"I leave my life no
more to chance,
I evoke the power of

Visualize your needs being met. Make a label for the preparation that
states its purpose "Bounteous Balm," for example. Use this cream on pulse points
or areas of dry skin to bring revitalization physically, spiritually, and
financially. If you can't find rose water, substitute dried powdered rose petals
or scented oil.


This last one is from Janice Cox is the author of Natural Beauty at Home

Eyebrow Balm

Do-it-yourself natural moisturizers to soothe, pamper and protect your eyes..

This is a rich conditioning balm that you can use on your eyebrows to keep them in place and to keep the skin beneath them moisturized. Lanolin is a rich natural emollient and can be found in the baby-care section of many grocery stores; if you cannot find it, substitute coconut oil. To use, simply rub or brush a bit into your eyebrows.

•1 teaspoon castor oil
•1 teaspoon lanolin or coconut oil
•1 teaspoon grated beeswax

1. Combine ingredients in a small saucepan. Heat gently until beeswax is melted.
2. Pour melted mixture into a small container and allow to cool completely.

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