Sunday, October 21, 2012

A Mabon Ritual _Thanksgiving and give-away Ceremony around the Medicine Wheel.

When we talk about the Medicine Wheel we should remember that Medicine means
"Power", and Wheel means "Spiritual". Not spiritual in any religious sense
But any place that is in balance and harmony as a wheel is.

Thanksgiving and give-away Ceremony around the Medicine Wheel.
We gather around the Medicine Wheel at this time sitting on our power spot
Or our birth moon position to contemplate and review all the things that
Have happened to us over the year past. We look at the things we have been
Given and achieved and give thanks for them. We look at the things that have
Not grown corn and are prepared to give them away, as we do not need to
Carry them with us into the coming year. With the gifts we have we now look
At the things we need to carry forward to sustain us over the coming winter
Months and the things we need to achieve in the coming twelve months of the

Have four pieces of paper and write down on them in turn.

1 On the first piece of paper write the things you have achieved and been
Given and wish to give thanks for, from the year gone by.
Approach the centre of the wheel, the place of the Creator which will be
Adorned with the harvested fruits of the three sisters, corn beans and
Squash, and symbolically burn the sheet of paper. The smoke carries your
Prayers of gratitude to the Creator and the ash scatters to the four winds.

2. On the second piece of paper write down those things you wish to
Give-away and have not grown corn over the past year. These can be things
From many years’ back which you are now ready to give-away and you now feel
Ready at last to give them away. Approach the Creator (The Centre) position
Again, burn the paper and bury the ashes in Mother Earth around the
Creator(centre) position.

3. On the third piece of paper write down those things you wish to carry
Forward with you and to work on in the coming winter months. Raise the paper
To the sky and the Earth and to each of the four directions and put it
Safely away so you can refer to it any time over the winter.

4. On the last piece of paper write down those things you wish to achieve
Over the coming year and offer it to the four directions and the sky and
Earth and bury it under the West position in the Medicine Wheel. This piece
Of paper can be moved to each of the positions on the wheel representing the
Coming eight festivals of the year I.e. Equinoxes and solstices, close to
Their relevant dates to be looked at and reviewed.

NOTE: It is said one should not make definite plans further than one year
Ahead just as the Natural World does. It relies on the seeds it plants in
One year to carry it forward into the next year. We can all have an overall
Vision for future years but by planning and setting goals year by year it
Makes it more attainable

**origin by ~ BlackWolfShadow

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