Sunday, October 21, 2012

Using astrology for surgery By Karlyn Rayne

Each day is ruled by a planet, Check the day your surgery is scheduled in a farmers almanac looking up the planet it is ruled by that day then look below at the things that planet rules. Do not, I repeat DO-NOT have surgery on that part of the body as unforseen things will go wrong.

Example if you are getting surgery on your hip, you can do it anytime except when the ruling planet for that day is Sagittarius

Body Parts Ruled by Sign
In the Zodiac, each sign is associated with specific body parts. Astrologers and physicians of old used to use a persons natal chart in diagnosing problems.

Aries: Rules the head and face

Taurus: Rules the neck and throat

Gemini: Rules the arms, shoulders and nerves

Cancer: Rules the stomach, breasts and lungs

Leo: Rules the heart, back and spine

Virgo: Rules the stomach and intestines

Libra: Rules the kidneys

Scorpio: Rules the reproductive ograns

Sagittarius: Rules the thighs and hips

Capricorn: Rules the knees, joints and bones

Aquarius: Rules the ankles and circulation

Pisces: Rules the feet and immune system

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