Have you ever had those times when you don't feel at all yourself? And the angry beast barks to come out and wreak havoc for no apparent reason? Use this spread to find the explanation and stop yourself from shape shifting in a negative way.

I'm becoming a monster.....get me out of here!
Position 1 - The mad animal that exists beneath my skin- This card will call your attention to a part of you that is out of control and needs to be addressed.
Position 2 - Physical transformation stopper- A physical action that you can take before the mad animal takes complete control of your life.
Position 3 - Attitude transformation stopper- an attitude change you can make to stop the transformation
The Anunnki Tarot Spread

The Anunnki Tarot Spread
Use this spread when something is bothering your heart and mind, but you can't exactly lay your finger on what it is.
Position 1 - What in my life isn't as it appears?
Position 2 - What or who is causing me to sacrifice something special to me?
Position 3 - This can help me find the courage to say "no"
Position 4 - This will support me as I remain faithful to my word.

Position 1 - What in my life isn't as it appears?
Position 2 - What or who is causing me to sacrifice something special to me?
Position 3 - This can help me find the courage to say "no"
Position 4 - This will support me as I remain faithful to my word.
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