Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Magick chart

Planets Earth, Saturn , Moon, Venus Mercury, Jupiter Mars, Sun
Zodiacal signs
Moon phase Waning Old Waxing Full
Time of day Dusk Midnight Dawn Midday
Season Autumn Winter Spring Summer
Places Mountains, caves, fields, chasms, groves, forests, gardens, kitchens Oceans, rivers, streams, lakes, ponds, waterfalls, beaches, springs and wells, bedroom (for sleep) Windswept hills, plains, windy beaches, high mountain peaks, high towers, tree tops, bluffs, sky, airplanes, schools, libraries, offices Deserts, volcanoes, ovens, fireplaces, bedroom (for sex), hot springs
Types of magic Fertility magic, tree magic, herb lore, rune magic, cord magic, feng shuei, image magic. Love, mirror magic, purification, healing, divination, dream magic, spiritualism, creating and working with charged water. Finding lost or stolen objects, magic of the four winds, visualizations, divination, invocation, numerology, shamanic journeys. Tantra, healing, candle magic, fire scrying, colour magic.
Ritual forms Burying, planting, making images in the dirt or sand, walking over miles of countryside while visualizing the need, carving runes. Bathing, tea ceremonies, washing, dilution Tossing objects into the air, suspending tools in high places, breathing, meditation, singing, chanting, writing, numerology. Burning images or herbs.
Qualities Cold & dry, very heavy, passive.
Receptive (yin).
Cold & moist, heavy, passive.
Receptive (yin).
Hot & moist, light, active.
Projective (yang).
Hot & dry, very light, active.
Projective (yang).
Basic nature Fertile, moist, nurturing, stabilizing, grounding Flowing, cleansing, healing, soothing, loving Floating, moving, fresh, intelligent, suspending Purifying, destroying, energetic, sexual, forceful
Rules The body, growth, nature, sustenance, material gain, money, fertility, birth, death, gravity, silence, rocks, standing stones, crystals, jewels, metals, wealth, abundance, wisdom. Emotions, love, courage, nurture, sensitivity, psychic ability, healing, sorrow, life-giving and life-destroying, the ocean, the tides, the unconscious mind, the womb. The mind, all mental, intuitive and psychic work, knowledge, abstract learning, theory, rebirth, beginnings, imagination, belief, wind, breath, poetry, sound. Energy, spirit, heat, flame, blood, sap, life, will, healing and destroying, purification, bonfires, hearth fires, candle flames, the sun, eruptions, explosions, sexual energy, passion, quick active energy, anger, power, inspiration, desire.
Stage of the life cycle Old age Between death and birth (conception) Youth Sexual maturity
Magic tools Pentacle, cords, scourge, shield, horn Cup, cauldron, mirror Wand, censor, rod or staff Athame, sword, candle
Other tools and weapons Shield, horn, trowel, pick, awl, mace, war hammer Bowl, trident, net Fan, flag, streamer, spear, bow Match, axe
Stones and Gems Rock salt, coal, emerald, peridot, other green stones, onyx, bloodstone, tourmalanted quartz. Heavy, opaque. Aquamarine, beryl, amethyst, azurite, blue lace agate, pearl, coral, lapis lazuli, moonstone, sodalite. Clear, hard. Topaz, chalcedony, yellow fluorite, crystals, alexandrite, sapphire, yellow or blue stones, rainbow stones. Polished, transparent. Fire opal, volcanic rock, ruby, carnelian, rhodochrosite, agates. Shining, glittering.
Metals Lead, iron Silver, copper Mercury, tin Gold, brass
Trees The oak The willow The aspen The flowering almond
Colours Green, brown, orange, black, white Blue, brownish grey, green, turquoise, sea green, pinkish blue, grey, indigo, black Yellow, white, crimson, blue-white, blue, silver, grey, pastels Red, gold, crimson, orange, white, scarlet, fuscia, maroon
Celtic colour Black Grey Red White
Plants Alfalfa, apples, barley, comfrey, corn, cotton, ivy, lichen, moss, nuts, oats, patchouli, red poppy, rice, rye, thrift plant, vertivert, wheat Aloe, cucumber, dulse, ferns, gardenia, lettuce, lily, lotus, melon, mosses, rushes, seaweed, waterlillies, willow, all water plants Almond, broom, clover, eyebright, frankincense, japanese maple, lavender, mistletoe, myrrh, orange blossom, pansy, pine, primrose, vervain, violet, yarrow Allspice, basil, bay laurel, blood root, carnation, coriander, dragon's blood, garlic, ginger, hibiscus, marigold, mustard, nettle, onion, orange, pepper, red peppers, red poppies, sassafras, tobacco
Animals Cattle, bison, ox, snakes (earth-dwelling), stag, mouse, dog, ant, bear, wolf Dragon, dolphin, fish, sea serpents, sea mammals, water-dwelling snakes, sea birds, frog, turtle, otter, seal, swan, crab Birds, eagle, gryphon, owl, hawk, dove Lion, Fire-breathing dragons, snakes, lizards, bee, centaur, fox, ram
Goddesses Ceres, Demeter, Gaia, Mah, Persephone, Nephthys, Bhawana (Prithivi), Rhea, Rheannon. Aphrodite, Isis, Mariamne, Mari, Tiamat Aditi, Aradia, Arianhrod, Cardea, Nuit, Urania. Brigit, Hestia, Pele, Vesta.
Gods Adonis, Athos, Arawn, Cernunnos, Dionysus, Marduk, Pan, Tammuz. Dylan, Ea, Llyr, Manannan, Oceanus, Osiris, Neptune, Posiedon Enlil, Kephera, Mercury, Shu, Thoth, Vayu, Zeus. Atar, Agni, Frey, Gibil, Hephaestus, Horus, Logi, Vulcan.
Elemental creatures Gnomes, ruled by King Ghob Undines, ruled by Queen Necksa Sylphs, ruled by King Paralda Salamanders, ruled by King Djin
Pygmies Nymphs Aerei Sylphs
Elementals attracted by Salts and powders Water, washes, solutions Oils and incenses Candles, lamps, incense, fire
The sense of Touch Taste Smell Sight
Of energy flows Energy contained Conduction of energy Convection of energy Radiance of energy
State of matter Solid Liquid Gas Energy
Symbolic creatures Bull, sphynx Scorpion, snake Eagle, human Lion
Symbols Mountain, cave, gem, field, rock, cornucopia, spindle, scythe Waterfall, all bodies of water, waves, fog, rain, well, shell, boat, ship's wheel, anchor, cup, bath Sky, wind, cloud, incense, bird, bell, flute Sun, stars, volcano, lightening, flame, fire-pot, double-headed axe
Active temperaments Respectability, endurance, consideration, stability, resolution, firmness, sobriety, objectivity, scrupulousness, resistance, thoroughness, punctuality, confidence, responsibility, circumspection. Devotion, respectability, modesty, compassion, docility, seriousness, fervour, cordiality, calmness, comprehension, confiding, meditation, forgiveness, tenderness. Diligence, clearness, optimism, cheerfulness, independence, adroitness, lack of grief, kindness, joy, familiarity, communicativeness, capacity for penetrating. Activity, eagerness, enthusiasm, resolution, courage, productivity, energy, faithfulness.
Passive temperaments Insipidity, unscrupulousness, dullness, misanthropy, tardiness, unreliability, laconism Apathy, indifference, shyness, depression, laziness Contempt, gossiping, slyness, lack of endurance, dishonesty, garrulity, fickleness, selfishness, defensiveness, inattentiveness. Gluttony, jealousy, passion, irritability, intemperance, destructiveness, stubbornness, greed, vengefulness, anger, resentment, aggression, possessiveness, egotism.

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